Sec. 2-166. Action by the Board of Trustees.
   The Board of Trustees may approve, modify or reject the recommendations of the Commission and may dismiss the complaint (in which event such dismissal shall be final) or may take such of the following actions as it deems to be proper and in accordance with the intent and purpose of this Article, including:
   (a)   Issuance of a cease and desist order upon such terms and conditions as the Board of Trustees shall deem proper and in accordance with the intent and purpose of this Article. Upon the failure or refusal of any person to comply therewith within five (5) days after receipt of such order, the Board may seek to obtain any remedy or may invoke any sanction hereinafter provided.
   (b)   Institution of proceedings to enforce the fine provided for in Section 1-25 of this Code.
   (c)   Application to any court of competent jurisdiction for an order:
      (1)   Restraining any person from violating any provision of this Article;
      (2)   Granting such other and further relief as the court may deem appropriate for the enforcement of the provisions of this Article. (M.C. 1963, § 27.1208; amd. Ord. 0-68-20)