Sec. 2-158. Duties And Functions:
   (a)   The special purpose boards and commissions shall have the duties and functions set forth below:
      (1)   Reserved:
      (2)   Community Relations Commission:
         (A)   Establishment And Purpose: A Community Relations Commission is established to foster and promote understanding, engagement, mutual respect, cooperation, and positive interactions for all individuals in the Village.
         (B)   Membership And Terms Of Appointment:
            1.   The Community Relations Commission shall consist of members broadly representative from the community at large. The Community Relations Commission shall consist of nine (9) voting members appointed pursuant to section 2-157 of this article and additional ex officio members as the commission deems necessary.
            2.   Government service interns appointed pursuant to the Deerfield Government Service Internship Program shall also serve as ex officio members of the commission during the second year of their internship service commencing in June following completion of their sophomore year (or later) of high school, or the equivalent. Government service interns shall be residents of the Village, must be in good academic standing at all times during their internship, and are expected to serve a two (2) year internship during their sophomore and junior years.
         (C)   Functions And Duties: The Community Relations Commission shall act in an advisory capacity to the President and Board of Trustees. The Community Relations Commission shall have the following functions and duties:
            1.   Study and recommend means of developing better relationships among all residents in a diverse and inclusive community of Deerfield.
            2.   Encourage residents to be "service oriented" in the opportunities to assist one another in the community and the neighborhood.
            3.   Promote and support initiatives with Federal, State and local governmental agencies, commissions, businesses, schools, civic and religious organizations, neighborhood and community events aimed at increasing goodwill and civil engagement among the residents and the global community at large.
            4.   Recognize and approve honors or awards for persons, firms, or entities that serve or advance understanding, mutual respect, cooperation and positive relations between and among residents of Deerfield.
         (D)   Meetings: The commission may meet as necessary, but shall meet at least once during each fiscal year.
         (E)   Staff Liaison: The Village Manager shall designate a staff member who shall attend commission meetings and hearings, prepare minutes thereof, and assist the commission in the performance of its functions and duties.
      (3)   Sustainability Commission:
         (A)   Establishment And Purpose: The Sustainability Commission is established to optimize Deerfield's potential in environmentally sound practices, thereby improving the quality of our local environment for the benefit of our citizens, businesses and neighbors with respect to "sustainability", meaning the use of resources such that they do not become depleted or permanently damaged and requiring the balancing of environmental, economic and social demands.
         (B)   Membership And Terms Of Appointment: The Sustainability Commission shall consist of persons with a demonstrated interest in the sustainable use and reuse of resources, considering environmental, economic and social demands. The Sustainability Commission shall consist of nine (9) voting members appointed pursuant to section 2-157 of this article, and such ex officio members as the President and Board of Trustees may deem necessary from time to time. Individuals employed by corporations and businesses located in Deerfield ("corporate residents") are eligible to serve as voting members on the commission; however, no more than one-third (1/3) of the commission members shall be corporate residents at any one time. All members shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years.
         (C)   Functions And Duties: The Sustainability Commission shall act in an advisory capacity to the President and Board of Trustees, to the Village administration and to the Deerfield community to optimize the potential of the Village and the Deerfield community in environmentally sound practices with a view toward improving the quality of the local environment for the benefit of our citizens, businesses and neighbors. The Sustainability Commission shall have the following functions, duties and missions:
            1.   To educate and actively engage the Deerfield community regarding the benefits of living sustainably.
            2.   To make environmental information and resources readily available.
            3.   To create partnerships with interested parties to help achieve our mutual sustainability goals.
            4.   To recommend sustainable initiatives which are fiscally responsible and enhance economic vitality.
         (D)   Meetings: The commission may meet as necessary, but shall meet at least once during each fiscal year.
      (4) Volunteer Engagement Commission: The Volunteer Engagement Commission shall make a study of the personnel needs of the various boards and commissions of the Village government and at the request of the President shall make recommendations of qualified persons to fill any vacancy existing on any such board or commission.
      (5)   Youth Commission: (Rep. by Ord. 0-04-69, 12-6-2004)
      (6)   Reserved:
      (7)   Energy And Recycling Commission: (Rep. by Ord. 0-10-15, 5-17-2010)
      (8)   Appearance Review Commission:
         (A)   Functions And Duties: The Appearance Review Commission shall have the following functions and duties within the Village Center:
            1.   To hold public meetings on and grant or deny approval on applications pursuant to the appearance review criteria adopted by the Board of Trustees.
            2.   To review exterior design drawings, landscaping, site plans, building materials and any other submissions required by the appearance review criteria for any proposed construction, alteration or repair of any building or structure in the Village Center as depicted in the Village Comprehensive Plan, as amended, the C-2 Outlying Commercial District, or C-4 Entertainment and Limited Retail Business District all in accordance with the rules and procedures adopted by the Appearance Review Commission, and the appearance review criteria adopted by the Board of Trustees.
            3.   To hold public meetings on the issuance of certificates of approval and to issue, conditionally issue, or deny such certificates based on compliance with appearance review criteria.
            4.   To hold public meetings to review and approve certain types of window signs as set forth in Section of "The Deerfield Zoning Ordinance 1978," as amended.
            5.   To grant variations, modifications, or exceptions to allow wall signs to be located up to three feet above the roof deck of a building in the Village's commercial zoning districts as described in Section 9.05-E.
            6.   To review and approve applications for sign criteria within the Village Center, as depicted in the Village Comprehensive Plan, as amended, the C-2 Outlying Commercial District, or C-4 Entertainment and Limited Retail Business District.
            7.   To provide leadership and guidance in encouraging greater public interest and participation in the enhancement of community appearance.
            8.   To consult and cooperate with other commissions, Village agencies and other public and private bodies on matters affecting the appearance of the Village Center. (O-23-20, 7-17-2023)
         (B)   Term Of Appointment: Members shall be appointed by the Village President and with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees. All appointments shall be for a period of three years as provided in section 2-157 of this article.
         (C)   Procedures And Criteria: The Appearance Review Commission shall propose the appearance review criteria in addition to meeting, review and enforcement procedures to implement the functions and duties above for consideration and adoption by the Board of Trustees, each of which may thereafter be altered or amended from time to time by the Board of Trustees.
         (D)   In the event the Appearance Review Commission denies a Certificate of Approval or an amendment thereto, or a variation, an applicant shall have the right to appeal the decision of the Appearance Review Commission to the Board of Trustees. An appeal shall be made in writing and shall be filed within 30 days of the Appearance Review Commission's issues its denial. In the event that an appeal is taken with respect to property which is the subject matter of a consideration by either or both the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Plan Commission, the Board of Trustees shall consider the appeal concurrently with the recommendation of said bodies. If an appeal does not involve a property that is also subject to a concurrent review by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Plan Commission, the Board of Trustees shall consider such appeal within 60 days after the filing of the appeal with the Village's Principal Planner. The Board of Trustees may confirm the decision of the Appearance Review Commission, overturn or modify the decision of the Appearance Review Commission, or refer the matter back to the Appearance Review Commission for further consideration.
      (9)   Deerfield Cemetery Commission: The Deerfield Cemetery Commission shall have the following functions and duties:
         (A)   Maintain And Restore Cemetery: To maintain, restore and care for the Deerfield Cemetery and to advise the Corporate Authorities from time to time concerning the financial requirements relating to the performance of these duties.
         (B)   Terms Of Appointment: Initially one member shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years, one member for two (2) years and one member for one year. All appointments thereafter shall be for a period of three (3) years as provided in section 2-157 of this article.
      (10)   Deerfield Cable And Telecommunications Commission: The Deerfield Cable and Telecommunications Commission shall have the following functions and duties:
         (A)   Assistance: To assist in the administration of the franchise agreement in effect from time to time with any cable television franchisee operating within the Village pursuant to the provisions of the Village cable communications ordinance, as amended (the "ordinance").
         (B)   Meetings: To conduct public meetings and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees as to the operation and application of the franchise agreement and the ordinance and to propose to the Board of Trustees such amendments, alterations or additions to such franchise agreement and ordinance as the Cable and Telecommunications Commission deems appropriate.
         (C)   Duties: To perform any such duties relating to the application and operation of the franchise agreement and the ordinance and any such other duties and functions as the Board of Trustees may specifically direct from time to time.
         (D)   Terms Of Appointment: Initially, three (3) members shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years, three (3) members for two (2) years and three (3) members for one year. All appointments thereafter shall be for a period of three (3) years as provided in section 2-157 of this article.
      (11)   Fine Arts Commission:
         (A)   Functions And Duties: The fine arts commission shall have the following functions and duties within the village:
            1.   Promote and encourage the artistic and cultural environment within the village.
            2.   Support individuals and groups of diverse artistic disciplines, including providing volunteers through creating a volunteer pool.
            3.   Foster and promote an appreciation of fine arts within the village by enlisting and encouraging public and private agencies, as well as the general public, to support art and cultural events within the village.
            4.   Establish and maintain an information network of both individuals and organizations within the village to produce and sponsor various arts, and direct the sharing of resources among them.
            5.   Create a villagewide arts and culture calendar, and serve as a clearing center for information to the general public concerning the activities of art related organizations and individuals who advance arts and culture in the village.
            6.   Become a resource center to provide help and information in obtaining grant applications for various grants and available funding.
         (B)   Term Of Appointment: Initially, two (2) members shall be appointed for one year, two (2) members shall be appointed for terms of two (2) years, and three (3) members for three (3) years by the village president with the advice and consent of the board of trustees. Thereafter, all appointments shall be for a period of three (3) years as provided in section 2-157 of this chapter.
      (12)   Family Days Commission:
         (A)   Functions And Duties: The Family Days commission shall have the following functions and duties within the village:
            1.   To organize, plan and execute Family Days events and activities celebrating the Independence Day holiday for the general public's enjoyment.
            2.   To promote and encourage community participation in Family Days events and activities.
            3.   To promote and coordinate the recruitment of volunteer personnel and agencies to assist in planning, organizing and executing Family Days events and activities.
            4.   To solicit monetary donations, and in-kind donations from local residents, merchants and businesses to support Deerfield Family Days events and activities.
            5.   To recommend any purchases or contracts for services deemed necessary or appropriate to provide for Family Days events and activities, subject to village purchasing guidelines and procedures.
            6.   Pursuant to direction of the village manager, to coordinate Family Days events and activities, including the activity of village personnel and other public and private agencies engaged in providing, assisting, supervising or supporting Family Days events and activities.
            7.   To timely provide the finance director with a tentative annual budget for Family Days events and activities, including estimates of revenues and expenditures anticipated for the fiscal year, for consideration as part of the village's annual fiscal year budget.
         (B)   Meetings: To hold public hearings and make recommendations to the board of trustees with regards to organizing, planning, promoting and executing events celebrating Independence Day for the general public's enjoyment. Including recommendations to the board of trustees with regard to expending such public funds as may be necessary for organizing, planning, promoting and executing Independence Day events.
         (C)   Terms Of Appointment: Initially, three (3) members shall be appointed for terms of one year, three (3) members shall be appointed for a term of two (2) years, and three (3) members for three (3) years, by the village president and with the advice and consent of the board of trustees. Thereafter, all appointments shall be for a period of three (3) years as provided in section 2-157 of this article. The village finance director shall act as a permanent ex officio member on this commission. (Ord. 0-75-28 § 1; Ord. 0-86-21 § 2, 5-19-1986; Ord. 0-88-52, 10-3-1988; Ord. 0-95-09 § 2, 3-22-1995; Ord. 0-98-39, 9-8-1998; Ord. 0-00-05, 2-21-2000; Ord. 0-03-07, 3-3-2003; Ord. 0-10-05, 3-15-2010; Ord. 0-10-15, 5-17-2010; Ord. 0-13-3, 1-22-2013; Ord. 0-13-53, 11-18-2013; Ord. 0-14-11, 5-19-2014; Ord. 0-16-24, 10-17-2016; Ord. 0-19-33, 11-4-2019; Ord. 0-21-12, 4-5-2021; Ord. 0-21-25, 7-19-2021; Ord. 0-22-18, 4-18-2022; Ord. 0-22-19, 4-18-2022)