(A) The County Weed Control Board is established pursuant to I.C. 15-16-7-1 et seq. for the purpose of controlling certain noxious weeds.
(B) The County Weed Control Board shall consist of the following members:
(1) One township trustee of the county;
(2) One soil and water conservation district supervisor;
(3) One representative from the agricultural community of the county;
(4) One representative from the County Highway Department or an appointee of the County Commissioners; and
(5) One cooperative extension service agent from the county to serve in a non-voting advisory capacity.
(C) The County Board of Commissioners shall appoint each member of the Weed Control Board for a term of four years. The Weed Control Board shall elect a Chairperson and Secretary at the initial meeting of the Board. Vacancies in Board membership shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as initial appointments.
(Ord. 2-1985, passed 6-17-1985)
Under the authority of and subject to I.C. 36-8-16.6 and 36-8-16.7 and County Ord. 1990-20, a governing board of directors is hereby established to provide for the ongoing proper operation of the County Emergency Telephone System and administered in accordance with the following terms.
(A) The governing board of directors shall be responsible to the Common Council of the county for its operation.
(B) The governing board of directors shall consist of the following people: one person appointed by the County Common Council, one person appointed by the Greensburg City Council, one person appointed by the County Volunteer Firefighters Association, the Sheriff of the county, the Chief of Police of the City of Greensburg, the Fire Chief of the City of Greensburg and the director of the county emergency ambulance services.
(C) The responsibilities of the governing board are as follows:
(1) To present a yearly budget for operations to the Council;
(2) To review and monitor the operation of the system;
(3) To receive, investigate, document and act upon the E 9-1-1 concerns of any PSAP operator or public service agency;
(4) To approve the operating protocol of each PSAP;
(5) To maintain the standards and integrity of the E 9-1-1 system as defined under the laws of the state;
(6) To participate in 9-1-1 coordination on a regional basis (i.e., with surrounding counties) and to continue an ongoing program of public education regarding the 9-1-1 system; and
(7) To make recommendations to the County Common Council on significant modifications to the 9-1-1 system and/or its operation.
(Council Ord. 1991-100, passed 7-10-1991)
(A) Board established. The County Public Defender Board is hereby established for the purpose of providing legal representation to indigent defendants/respondents in criminal, juvenile, probation violation, extradition, child support, civil commitments and other proceedings where the right to counsel has been established by law.
(B) Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
BOARD. The County Public Defender Board created by this section.
INDIGENT DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT. A person who requests legal representation and is determined by the court to be entitled to legal representation at public expense.
LEGAL REPRESENTATION. Includes services in connection with all pre-trial, trial and appellate proceedings in which an indigent defendant/respondent has a right to counsel. LEGAL REPRESENTATION means the services of an attorney provided to a defendant/respondent in a matter originating in a state court in the county involving:
(a) A person charged with a crime as defined in I.C. 35-31.5-2-75;
(b) An act of delinquency as defined in I.C. 31-37-1-2;
(c) A violation of a condition of probation established as a part of a sentence in a juvenile or criminal matter;
(d) Detention of a person subject to extradition to another jurisdiction;
(e) Proceedings to collect unpaid child support pursuant to I.C. 31-16;
(f) Civil commitment and contempt proceedings; or
(g) Other proceedings where the right to counsel at public expense has been established by law.
(C) Board membership and appointment.
(1) The Board shall consist of three members: one member appointed by the County Commissioners; and two members from different political parties appointed by majority vote of the judges who exercise felony or juvenile jurisdiction.
(2) The initial term of the member appointed by the County Commissioners shall expire on December 31, 1997. The initial term of one member appointed by the judges shall expire on December 31, 1998, and the initial term of the other member appointed by the judges shall expire on December 31, 1999.
(3) After the initial term of each member, appointments shall be for three-year terms. Members of the Board shall serve until their successor is appointed. An appointment to fill a vacancy shall be made by the authority appointing the member vacating the position and shall be for the remainder of the unexpired term.
(4) The following persons shall be ineligible to serve as members of the Board: a city, town, or county attorney, a law enforcement officer, a judge or a court employee.
(5) Board members shall serve without pay, but may receive reimbursement for expenses incurred in connection with the member’s duties if approved by the Board.
(6) Two members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting the business of the Board. Decisions of the Board shall be approved by a majority of the members present.
(7) The Board shall meet at least quarterly, or upon call of its Chairperson or any two members of the Board.
(8) The Board shall elect its Chairperson by a majority vote of the Board.
(D) Powers and duties of the Board. The Board shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) Prepare a comprehensive plan for providing legal representation to indigent defendants/respondents in the county in accordance with I.C. 33-40-7-5. The comprehensive plan shall, at a minimum, provide for:
(a) Legal representation to an indigent defendant/respondent at the earliest possible point in time;
(b) Legal representation to an indigent defendant/respondent by the same attorney or attorneys through the pendency of the matter to the greatest extent possible; and
(c) Professional development, continuing legal education and malpractice coverage for public defenders.
(2) Establish policies and procedure for the provision of competent legal representation for indigent defendants/respondents in criminal, juvenile, probation violation, extradition, child support and criminal contempt and other matters pursuant to the comprehensive plan;
(3) Establish guidelines and procedures for the determination of indigency and for the appropriate reimbursement for legal representation provided at public expense in accordance with I.C. 33-40-3;
(4) Recommend an annual operating budget for the Agency and monitor the expenditures of funds; and
(5) Prepare and submit to the County Council and the general public an annual report on the operation of the Agency.
(E) Authority of judges. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to abridge the authority of any judge of a state court of this county from appointing counsel for any person entitled thereto under the Constitution of the United States or the Constitution of the state.
(Ord. 1997-4, passed 7-21-1997)
(A) The County Visitors and Recreation Commission shall be composed of seven members. No more than a simple majority of the members may be affiliated with the same political party. Each member must reside in the county. If available and willing to serve, at least two members must be engaged in the business of renting or furnishing rooms, lodging or accommodations. Not more than one member may be affiliated with the same business entity.
(B) Three Commission members shall be appointed by the Mayor of Greensburg, two by the County Commissioners and two by the County Council. At least one member appointed by the Mayor must be engaged in the hotel or motel business in the county.
(C) Each Commission member shall serve a two-year term, except that the term of one of the members added by this section shall expire on December 31, 1999 and the term of the other added member shall expire on December 31, 2000. A member may be reappointed to serve subsequent two-year terms. If a vacancy occurs, the appointing authority shall appoint a qualified person to serve for the remainder of the term. If a vacancy is not filled within 30 days, the Commission shall appoint a member. A member may be removed for cause by his or her appointing authority.
(D) Members of the Commission may not receive a salary, but they may be reimbursed for necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
(E) The Commission shall operate according to the requirements of I.C. 6-9-18-1 et seq.
(Ord. 1998-12, passed 9-8-1998)