General Provisions
33.01 Purpose
33.02 Scope
33.03 Appointments
33.04 Probationary period
33.05 Compensation
33.06 Work hours
33.07 Vacation leave with pay
33.08 Sick leave
33.09 Military leave
33.10 Parental leave of absence
33.11 Leaves without pay
33.12 Jury or witness duty
33.13 Rest periods and holidays
33.14 Resignation
33.15 Grievance policy
33.16 Lay-offs
33.17 Discipline
33.18 Retirement policy
33.19 Unlawful acts
33.20 Officials under Worker’s Compensation Act
33.21 Outside employment
Employment Background Checks
33.35 Purpose
33.36 Criminal history employment background investigations
Organizations and Officials, see Ch. 32