A.   Size of off-street parking spaces: for the purposes of this appendix, one parking space shall be a minimum of 162 square feet in area, exclusive of access drives or aisles, and shall be a minimum of nine feet in width and eighteen feet (18') in length. However, a maximum of fifteen percent (15%) of the number of required parking spaces may be a minimum of 128 square feet in area, exclusive of access drives or aisles, and a minimum of eight feet (8') in width and sixteen feet (16') in length so long as each such parking space is designated in plain view as for use of compact cars only. The parking space shall have a vertical clearance of at least seven feet (7').
   B.   Width of access drives:
      1.   All off-street parking areas shall be laid out with the following minimum aisle or access drive widths:
         a.   Ninety (90) degree (perpendicular) parking: twenty two feet (22') (either one or two-way circulation);
         b.   Sixty (60) degree (angle) parking: fifteen (15) feet (one-way circulation only);
         c.   Forty-five (45) (angle) parking: twelve (12) feet (one way-circulation only);
         d.   Thirty (30) degree (angle) parking: eleven (11) feet (one-way circulation only);
         e.   Zero degree (parallel) parking: 12 feet (one-way circulation).
      2.   When any combination of these types of parking is used (facing the same aisle), the most restricted aisle or access drive width requirements shall prevail. In addition, a two foot (2') overhang may be permitted on the external sides of a parking area. If the width of the parking space is increased over nine feet (9'), the drive aisle width can be decreased two feet (2') in width in drive the aisle per one foot (1') increase in space width, except that a drive aisle for two-way traffic may not be decreased below twenty feet (20') in width and a drive aisle for one-way traffic may not be decreased below eleven feet (11') in width.
   C.   Access to off-street parking spaces: access to off-street parking spaces. Each required parking space shall be connected with a deeded public right-of-way by means of aisles or access drives as required by division B. of this section. The parking area shall be so designated to ensure that all maneuvering into and out of each parking space shall take place entirely within property lines of lots, garages, or storage areas.
   D.   Off-street parking areas in multi-family, commercial, or Industrial zones: all such parking areas shall have a protective wall or bumper blocks around the perimeter of the parking area and shall be so designed that all vehicles leaving the facility will be traveling forward to approaching traffic. All perking shall be effectively screened on each side adjoining or fronting on any property situated in a zone permitting single-family residential development, by a solid wall, fence or densely planted compact hedge as regulated by § 154.052. Ground cover shrubs and trees shall be located and maintained so as to not interfere with vehicular and pedestrian traffic on the property or with sight distance clearances at entrances and exits.
   E.   Lighting: any lighting used to illuminate off-street parking areas shall not glare upon any right-of-way or adjacent property.
   F.   Paving of new off-street parking: all new off-street parking facilities shall be paved with asphalt concrete or Portland Cement concrete and shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the applicable standards adopted by the city council.
(Ord. 2017-6, passed 4-4-17)