A.   Computation of parking spaces: in determining the number of parking spaces required, if such spaces result in fractional parts thereof, the number of said spaces required shall be construed to be the next highest whole number.
   B.   Additional parking spaces to be provided: whenever the intensity of use of any building, structure, or premises shall be increase through addition of dwelling units, gross floor area, seating capacity, or other units of measurement specified herein, additional parking spaces shall be provided in the amounts hereafter specified for that use, if the existing parking space is inadequate to serve that increase in intensity of use.
   C.   Location of off-street parking facilities:
      1.   Off-street parking facilities shall be located as follows:
         a.   Single-Family Residential zones (R-1B, R-1C, R1D, R-lE, R-lG, R-lH, R-1-JJ) off-street parking may be permitted in driveways in the front, side, and rear yards of permitted uses in these zones, provided all requirements of this appendix are met. Additionally, off-street parking may be located in the minimum rear yard. Off-street parking areas, including driveways, located in the front yard in a single-family residential zone may not be greater than ten feet wide unless the ratio of unpaved area to paved area (grass area to parking and driveway areas) in the front yard is at least two to one. However, the Board of Adjustment may grant a variance to the two-to-one ratio if it determines that construction of the paved area will not adversely affect adjacent property owners.
         b.   Multi-Family residential and mobile home park zones (R-2, R-3, R-4, RMHP): Off-street parking is permitted in minimum required side or rear yards of permitted uses in these zones. Off-street parking may be permitted in required front yards, only if approved by the Planning Commission according to the required site plan.
         c.   Special Development Zones (PUD, RCD, MLU): Off-street parking shall be located as designated on the approved site plan.
         d.   Commercial and industrial zones (CBD, IP). Except as herein provided, off-street parking may be permitted in minimum required front, side, and rear yards of these zones in accordance with a site plan that is approved by the Planning Commission.
      2.   All off-street parking facilities shall be located on the same lot or zoning lot as the building served except for the following:
         a.   Permitted uses located within multi-family and industrial zones may supply off-street parking within 300 feet from the lot served, upon approval of the City Inspector/Zoning Administrator, providing that the off street parking facilities are unable to be provided on the same lot or contiguous to the same lot as the building being served. In addition, the off-street parking shall be located in the same zone as the use being served.
         b.   Existing single, two, or multi-family dwellings, which are permitted uses herein and occupy a lot of such size that off-street parking could not be provided on the same lot as the use being served, said off-street parking may be permitted to locate within a distance not to exceed 300 feet from the dwelling upon approval of the City Inspector/Zoning Administrator. In addition, the off street parking lot shall be located in the same zone as the use being served.
         c.   Off-street parking, as required for conditional uses may be permitted to locate on another lot than the building or use being served is located, when approved by the Board of Adjustment, provided that the parking is located within reasonable walking distance of the use or building being served and available at all times without restrictions for those purposes.
         d.   Off-street parking facilities for uses permitted in the CBD Zone may be located on another zoning lot provided that it is located within the boundaries of the CBD Zone and approved by the Planning Commission.
   D.   Collective parking provision: collective off-street parking facilities may be provided; however, the area for parking facilities shall not be less than would otherwise be individually required except as provided under division E. below.
   E.   Shared parking provision:
      1.   When any land or building is under the same ownership or upon submission of satisfactory guarantees of the continued operation and proper maintenance of the shared parking facility, and proposed development is for two or more land uses excluding residential uses, the number of minimum required parking spaces shall be computed by multiplying the minimum number of parking spaces normally required for each land use by the appropriate percentage as shown in the following shared parking credit table for each of the five time periods shown. The number of parking spaces required is then determined by adding the results in each column: the column total that generates the highest number of parking spaces becomes the minimum parking requirement.
   Shared Parking Credit Table Time of Operation
Land Use Type
6pm- midnight
6pm- midnight
midnight- 6am
Retail/personal service
Hotel, motel
Indoor theater/ commercial recreational establishment
      2.   The following requirements shall apply to any shared parking facility for mixed use development.
         a.   The shared parking facility must be located within 500 feet walking distance of the entrance to the establishment to be served. Said walkway access shall provide a safe means of pedestrian access to and from the establishment being served.
         b.   Reserved spaces shall not be shared.
         c.   It shall be determined at the time of parking facility plan approval that shared parking is possible and appropriate at the location proposed. Particular attention is needed to assure that sufficient and convenient short-term parking will be available to commercial establishments during the weekday daytime period. The short-term shared parking spaces must be located in the most convenient and visible area of the parking facility nearest the establishment being served.
         d.   Any subsequent change in use shall require the issuance of a new zoning permit and proof that minimum parking requirements, per these regulations, will be met.
         e.   Shared parking may be utilized for other uses, which are not shown in the parking credit table. The applicant shall prepare a similar calculation for the proposed uses, indicating the estimated percentage of each time period, based upon current parking information. Documentation shall be submitted by the applicant to demonstrate that the normal and regular operating hours of the uses proposing a shared parking arrangement do not coincide or overlap in any manner.
   F.   Driveways not computed as part of required parking area: entrances, exits, or driveways shall not be computed as any part of a required parking lot or area, except in the case of single-family residential zones, where access driveways may be used for parking.
   G.   Off-street parking space to be used for parking only: any vehicle parking space shall be used for parking only. Any other use of such space, including repair work or servicing of any kind other than in an emergency, or the requirement of any payment for the use of that space, shall be deemed to constitute a separate commercial use in violation of the provisions of this appendix.
   H.   No building shall be erected in off-street parking space: no building of any kind shall be erected in any off-street parking lot, except a parking garage containing parking spaces equal to the requirements set forth in this section or a shelter house booth for a parking attendant providing the number of spaces required are not reduced.
   I.   Parking plan approval required: plans for all parking lot facilities, including parking garages, shall be submitted to the City Inspector/Zoning Administrator for review and for compliance with the provisions of this appendix and such other pertinent ordinances of the city. These plans shall show the number of spaces and arrangements of parking aisles, location of access points onto adjacent streets, provisions for vehicular and pedestrian circulation, location of sidewalks and curbs on or adjacent to the property, utilities, location of shelters for parking attendant, locations of signs, typical cross-sections of pavement, base and subbase proposed grade of parking lot, storm drainage facilities, location and type of lighting facilities and such other information or plans as the circumstances may warrant. Where parking plans include provisions for access points to adjacent streets, then those plans shall also be prepared in accordance with the requirements of § 11.3.
(Ord. 2017-6, passed 4-4-17)