For the purpose of this appendix, the city is hereby divided into the following zones:
   CO   Conservation Zone
   R-O   River Oriented Zone
   R-1BC   Residential One BC Zone
   R-1C   Residential One C Zone
   R-1D   Residential One D Zone
   R-1E   Residential One E Zone
   R-1G   Residential One G Zone
   R-1H   Residential One H Zone
   R-1JJ   Residential One JJ Zone
   RMHP   Residential Mobile Home Park Zone
   R-2   Residential Two Zone
   R-3   Residential Three Zone
   R-4   Residential Four Zone
   PUD   Planned Unit Development Overlay Zone
   RCD   Residential Cluster Development Overlay Zone
   CBD   Central Business District Zone
   I-1   Industrial One Zone
   NCD   Neighborhood Commercial District Zone
   I-2   Industrial Two Zone
   MLU   Mixed Land Use Zone
   HP-O   Historic Preservation Overlay Zone
(Ord. 2017-6, passed 4-4-17)