   (a)   All new buildings and substantial improvements to existing buildings shall be protected from flood damage up to the Flood Protection Elevation (FPE) and shall be in accordance with all applicable Federal, State and local ordinances, and rules and regulations. Floodway alteration shall be permitted only upon review and approval by the Municipality, in accordance with an approved storm water plan.
   (b)   A storm water plan providing for the filling or alteration of a floodway may include provisions for maintaining stability of the banks of streams or other water bodies, by means of the establishing of buffer zones and other means of providing protection of the slopes and banks of water bodies.
   (c)   Within any required buffer zone, no earth change shall take place except in accordance with the approved storm water plan. Such a plan may also include provisions for the replacement of floodplain storage volume, where such storage volume is lost or diminished as a result of approved development.
   (d)   Where appropriate, permanent setbacks based on site slopes and soils will be established in accordance with the specifications outlined in the Genesee County Storm Water and Flood Control Design Standard Requirements.
(Ord. 2015-01. Passed 1-26-15.)
   (a)   No building openings, including basement walkouts, shall be constructed below the following elevations:
      (1)   One foot above the 100-year floodplain.
      (2)   The building opening established at the time of plat or development approval and on file in the Municipality Engineering Department.
      (3)   Three feet above the top of any downstream culvert.
      (4)   Four feet above the bottom of any permanent and defined drain.
      (5)   One foot above an adjacent detention basin design high water.
   (b)   A waiver from elevations stated in Section 1047.035 may be granted by the Municipality Engineer following receipt of a certification from a registered professional engineer demonstrating that the proposed elevation does not pose a risk of flooding.
   (c)   Upon completion of construction of the structure’s foundation and/or slab on grade, a registered land surveyor shall certify any minimum building opening elevation specified by this chapter. This certificate shall attest that the building opening elevation complies with the standards of this chapter. The permittee for the building permit shall submit the certificate to the Municipality prior to the commencement of framing and/or structural steel placement. If the surveyor should find that the minimum building opening elevation is below the elevation specified in the Michigan Building Code, that opening must be raised using a method that meets with the approval of the Municipality. After reconstruction, a registered land surveyor or engineer shall re-certify that the minimum building opening elevation complies with the standards of this chapter prior to the commencement of framing and or structural steel placement.
(Ord. 2015-01. Passed 1-26-15.)
   (a)   The owner of any house, building, structure, premises, or property used for human occupancy, employment, recreation or other purposes, situated within the county and/or the local unit, and abutting on any street, alley or right-of-way, in which there is located, or may in the future be located, a public storm sewer, is hereby required, at the owner's expense, to install suitable enclosed piping to convey discharge from foundation/footing drains with or without sump pumps to the public storm sewer. A pipe conveying surface runoff or groundwater shall not be connected to the sanitary sewer.
   (b)   For any connection or discharge found of unpolluted water into the sanitary sewer system please refer to the City’s sewer regulation (Section 1044.004(a) and (b), Discharge Prohibited Without Required Approvals Permits, and Treatment).
   (c)   When a sump pump is employed to discharge a building’s footing drains, a check valve will be installed between the pump and the storm system. A gravity discharge to an enclosed system is not permitted unless it can be shown that the discharge point is above the overflow elevation for the storm water system.
   (d)   A storm water lateral shall be provided for each parcel at the time of storm sewer construction.
(Ord. 2015-01. Passed 1-26-15; Ord. 2020-03. Passed 4-27-20.)
   Protection of the public health, safety or welfare shall be a primary consideration in the design of all storm water runoff facilities.
(Ord. 2015-01. Passed 1-26-15.)