§ 1-504.   Procedure.
   1.   Required Notice. The notice required by the Act, as amended, 53 P.S. §7106, shall be provided in accordance therewith and shall be incorporated into an appropriate delinquency notice or notices sent by the Borough, its agent, counsel or assigns.
   2.   Fees to be Accrued and Claims to be Filed. Fees shall accrue for all efforts in collection after the thirtieth day after the notice, or after the tenth day of any required second notice under the Act, as amended, 53 P.S. §7106, on all accounts referred to counsel for enforcement. Fees accumulated as a result of enforced collection shall be certified by duly appointed counsel for the Borough authorized to pursue collection of claims pursuant to the Act, or by counsel for the Borough’s agents or assigns and, if not collected in due course with the debt as by voluntary payment, shall be included in any claims filed on behalf of the Borough or by its agents or assigns in the course of enforcement including any claims originally filed with the Prothonotary, any claims filed with the Sheriff or in any other claims filed or statements provided where attorney fees are due.
   3.   The amount of fees determined as set forth above shall be added to and become part of the claim or claims in each proceeding as provided by the Act and as provided herein.
(Ord. 2012-03, 12/4/2012)