§ 27-1122.   Performance Standard Procedure.
   Upon request of the Zoning Officer all building and uses except residences shall be subject to performance standards.
   A.   When requested, the owner or applicant shall submit to the Planning Committee three copies of plans and specifications furnishing proof that operations will not produce any dangerous or objectionable elements.
   B.   The Borough may employ qualified experts to review such plans and specifications at the expense of the owner or applicant.
   C.   No owner or applicant will be required to reveal any secret processes, and any information submitted shall be treated as confidential.
   D.   Continued compliance with performance standards is required, and the Borough may reevaluate and reinspect to enforce compliance of any use where there are reasonable grounds to suspect violations.
(Ord. 77-5, 2/28/1977, §1121)