§ 13-201.   Definitions.
   As used in this Part, the following terms, words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to them by this Section:
   Adult book store–a business establishment of any size or description having any portion of its stock-in-trade including, but not limited to, books, magazines, films, photographs, drawings, visual representations or writings, distinguished or characterized by emphasis on matter depicting, describing or related to specified anatomical areas or to specified sexual activities, or a business establishment having a segment or portion of its premises devoted to the display or sale of such material.
   Specified anatomical areas
   (1)   Human genital organs and pubic regions, male and/or female.
   (2)   Human buttocks, male and/or female.
   (3)   Human female breasts below a level immediately above the top of the areola.
   Specified sexual activities
   (1)   Human male genital organ in a discernibly turgid state of sexual stimulation or arousal.
   (2)   Acts of human sexual intercourse, human masturbation, human sodomy, deviate sexual intercourse between human beings, human sexual intercourse with an animal.
   (3)   Fondling, indecent contact or other erotic touching of specified anatomical areas.
(Ord. 88-2, 2/9/1988, §101)