§ 11-207.   Sanitary Maintenance of Structural Elements.
   No person shall occupy as owner or occupant or let to another for occupancy a rental property, for the purpose of living therein, which does not comply with the following requirements:
   A.   Every foundation, roof and exterior wall, door, skylight and window shall be reasonably weathertight, watertight and damp-free and shall be kept in sound condition and good repair. Floors, interior walls and ceilings shall be sound and in good repair. All exterior wood surfaces, other then decay-resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by paint or other protective covering or treatment using nontoxic material where readily accessible to children. Walls shall be capable of affording privacy for the occupant. Every premises shall be graded, drained, free of standing water and maintained in a clean, sanitary and safe condition.
   B.   Every window, exterior door and basement hatchway or similar device shall be kept rodent-proof and reasonably watertight and weathertight and shall be kept in working condition and good repair.
   (1)   During that portion of the year when there is a need for protection against mosquitoes, flies and other flying insects, every door opening directly from a dwelling unit to outside space shall have supplied properly fitting screens having at least sixteen-mesh and a self-closing device; and every window or other device with openings to outdoor space, used or intended to be used for ventilation, shall likewise be supplied with screens, except that such screen shall not be required during such period in rooms deemed by the Codes Enforcement Officer to be located high enough in the upper stories of a building as to be free from such insects and in rooms located in areas of the Borough which are deemed by the Codes Enforcement Officer to have so few insects as to render screens unnecessary.
   (2)   Every window located at or near ground level used or intended to be used for ventilation and every other opening located at or near ground level which might provide an entry for rodents shall be supplied with adequate screens or such other devices as will effectively prevent their entrance.
   C.   Every rental property and the premises on which located shall be maintained so as to prevent and eliminate rodent harborage.
   D.   All fences provided by the owner or agent on the premises and/or all fences erected or caused to be erected by an occupant shall be constructed of manufactured metal fencing material, wood, masonry or other inert material. Such fences shall be maintained in good condition, uniform in height throughout, and any wood material shall be protected against decay by use of paint or other preservative. Such fences shall be maintained in good repair. The permissible height and other characteristics of all fences shall conform to the appropriate statutes, ordinances and regulations of the Borough and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Wherever any egress from the dwelling opens into the fenced area, there shall be a means of egress from the premises to any public way adjacent thereto.
   E.   Accessory structures present or provided by the owner, agent or tenant- occupant on the premises of a rental property shall be structurally sound, be designed to prevent rodent harborage and be maintained in good repair and free
of vermin by the owner, agent or occupant or such structure shall be removed from the premises. The exterior of such structure shall be made weather-resistant through the use of decay-resistant material or the use of paint or other preservatives.
   F.   Every foundation, roof, floor, exterior and interior wall, ceiling, inside and outside stair, every porch and every appurtenance thereto shall be safe to use and capable of supporting the loads that normal use may cause to be placed thereon and be kept in sound condition and good repair. Every inside and outside stair or step shall have uniform risers and treads.
   G.   Every plumbing fixture and water and waste pipe shall be properly installed in accordance with the Borough ordinances and maintained in good sanitary working condition.
   H.   Every water closet compartment, bathroom and kitchen floor surface shall be constructed and maintained so as to be reasonably impervious to water and so as to permit such floor to be easily kept in a clean and sanitary condition.
   I.   Every plumbing fixture and pipe, every chimney, flue and smoke pipe and every other facility, piece of equipment or utility which is present in a dwelling or dwelling unit or which is required under this Part shall be constructed and installed in conformance with the appropriate statutes, ordinance and regulation of the Borough and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
   J.   No owner, operator or occupant shall cause any service, facility, equipment or utility which is required under this Part to be removed from or shut off from or discontinued for any occupied rental property let or occupied by such person or entity, except for such temporary interruption as may be necessary while actual repairs or alterations are in process or during temporary emergencies when discontinuance of service is approved by the appropriate authority.
   K.   All construction and materials, ways and means of egress and installation and use of equipment shall conform to applicable State and local laws dealing with fire protection.
(Ord. 2012-03, 12/4/2012)