Interlocal Plans Adopted
36.001 Comprehensive Plan
36.002 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan
Drug-Free Workplace Policy
36.015 Town commitments
36.016 Policy
36.017 Prohibited drugs
36.018 Alcohol
36.019 Reporting violations
36.020 Employee rehabilitation
36.021 Testing
Nepotism and Contracting Policy
36.035 Minimum nepotism requirements established; scope
36.036 Definitions
36.037 Annual report statement
36.038 Relatives may not be in direct line of supervision
36.039 Single Council member cannot act for Council
36.040 Contracting with relatives of an elected official
36.041 Annual certification by elected officers
36.042 Posting of policy; placement on website
Bullying and Harassment Policy
36.055 Statement of commitment
36.056 Bullying and harassment defined
36.057 Prevention of bullying and harassment
Control Standards
36.070 Mission
36.071 Objectives
36.072 Minimum control standards
36.073 Principles of minimum control standards
36.074 Control standards adopted
36.075 Town Council the ultimate manager of controls
36.076 Clerk-Treasurer responsibilities, requirements
36.077 Official and employee responsibilities, requirements
36.078 Violations
36.079 Implementation
Public Purchasing Procedures
36.090 Town Council the purchasing agency
36.091 Designated purchasing agents
36.092 Purchases less than $25,000
36.093 Purchases exceeding $25,000
36.094 Purchases exceeding $75,000
36.095 Purchase of services
36.096 Purchase of supplies
Capital Assets Policy
36.130 Policy adopted
Nuisance provisions, see Chapter 92
Open meetings provisions, see Chapter 31
Weapons provisions, see Chapter 130