(A)   Informal approach. A few people are not aware that their behavior is unacceptable, and an informal discussion can lead to greater understanding and an agreement that the behavior will cease. It may be that the individual will choose to do this themselves, or they may obtain support from a colleague or an external source, in the case of a councilor.
   (B)   Disciplinary procedures.
      (1)   All complaints of bullying and/or harassment, or information from staff relating to such complaints, will be taken seriously and dealt with fairly, sensitively and confidentially.
      (2)   Colleagues who witness another colleague being harassed or bullied will be able to report it to the appropriate supervisor without fear of reprisal. Any victimization arising from making a complaint (informal or formal) will not be tolerated.
   (C)   Grievance procedure.
      (1)   In the event that an employee or official wishes to make a formal complaint, the Council’s grievance procedure will be implemented immediately and complaints will be investigated swiftly in an objective and independent manner. Appropriate disciplinary action may be taken following the Town Council’s disciplinary procedure.
      (2)   In the event of a case which appears to involve serious misconduct, the Council recognizes that it has a duty to ensure that the complainant is safeguarded and arrangements must be put in place; generally, this will be to ensure that the complainant is not left alone at any time so that the course of unacceptable conduct cannot continue behind closed doors.
   (D)   Contacts.
      (1)   Step one of the Council’s grievance procedure requires the employee to discuss the matter with an appropriate supervisor or Council member. The Town Council recognizes that this may not be appropriate if it is the immediate supervisor or Council member who is conducting the bullying or harassment.
      (2)   In such a case, the employee may approach a designated contact officer/member, should they wish to. The contact officer/member will be able to:
         (a)   Provide sympathetic assistance to employees with complaints of bullying/harassment;
         (b)   Explain to the employee how the grievance procedure operates;
         (c)   Establish the main details of the complaint; and
         (d)   Channel the complaint to the appropriate official for action if the employee decides to take the matter further.
      (3)   The contact officer/member will discuss cases in complete confidence and will not divulge information to any other person without the agreement of the employee. Any employee who talks to the contact officer/member about bullying is not under any obligation to take further action.
      (4)   The designated contact officers/members are:
         (a)   The Council President;
         (b)   The Town Clerk-Treasurer; and
         (c)   The Town Superintendent.
      (5)   An employee may initiate the Council’s grievance procedure with or without having approached a contact officer/member.
   (E)   Bullying or harassment by officials. If the grievance procedure has proven that an official has bullied or harassed an employee, another official or a member of the public, the Council has sanctions within its power:
      (1)   Admonishment and an undertaking not to repeat the conduct;
      (2)   Banning from all committees of the Council and representation on all outside bodies; and
      (3)   A formal complaint by the Council to the Ethics Standards Board, which is also the prerogative of the aggrieved employee.
   (F)   Examination and improvement. Whenever a case of bullying or harassment arises, the Town Council will take the opportunity to examine its policy, procedures and working methods to see if they can be improved.