Adopting Ordinance
WHEREAS, the present general and permanent ordinances of the Town are inadequately arranged and classified and are insufficient in form and substance for the complete preservation of the public peace, health, safety and general welfare of the municipality and for the proper conduct of its affairs; and
WHEREAS, Indiana statutes empower and authorize the political subdivision to revise, amend, restate, codify and compile any existing ordinances and all new ordinances not heretofore adopted or published and to incorporate such ordinances into one ordinance in book form; and
WHEREAS, the Danville Town Council has authorized a general compilation, revision and codification of the ordinances of the Political Subdivision of a general and permanent nature and publication of such ordinance in book form; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to provide for the usual daily operation of the municipality and for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety and general welfare of the municipality that this ordinance take effect at an early date.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Council of Danville, Indiana:
Section 1.   The general ordinances of the town of Danville as revised, amended, restated, codified, and compiled in book form are hereby adopted as and shall constitute the "Code of Ordinances of the Town of Danville, Indiana."
Section 2.   Such Code of Ordinances as adopted in Section 1 shall consist of the following titles:
(See Attached Table of Contents)
Section 3.   All prior ordinances pertaining to the subjects treated in such Code of Ordinances shall be deemed repealed from and after the effective date of this ordinance except as they are included and reordained in whole or in part in such Code; provided, such repeal shall not affect any offense committed or penalty incurred or any right established prior to the effective date of this ordinance, nor shall such repeal affect the provisions of ordinances levying taxes, appropriating money, annexing or detaching territory, establishing franchises, or granting special rights to certain persons, authorizing public improvements, authorizing the issuance of bonds or borrowing of money, authorizing the purchase or sale of real or personal property, granting or accepting easements, plat or dedication of land to public use, vacating or setting the boundaries of streets or other public places; nor shall such repeal affect any other ordinance of a temporary or special nature or pertaining to subjects not contained in or covered by the Code. Also, this ordinance shall not repeal any ordinances establishing the Town's zoning and subdivision control regulations or ordinances that zone or re-zone real property. This ordinance shall not repeal Town ordinances numbers 16 and 17 adopted in 1986 and ordinances adopted in 2002.
Section 4.   Such Code shall be deemed published as of the day of its adoption and approval by the Town Council and the Clerk of the Town is hereby authorized and ordered to file a copy of such Code of ordinances in the Office of the Clerk.
Section 5.   Such Code shall be in full force and effect as provided in Section 6, and such code shall be presumptive evidence in all courts and places of the ordinance and all provisions, sections, penalties and regulations therein contained and of the date of passage, and that same is properly signed, attested, recorded, and approved and that any public hearings and notices thereof as required by law have been given.
Section 6.   This ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the peace, health, safety and general welfare of the people of this municipality, and shall take effect at the earliest date provided by law.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Town Council of the Town of Danville on this 16th day of December, 2002.
                     Town Council, Town of Danville
                     David Odle
                     Myron Anderson
                     Jeff Martin
                     Mike Neilson
                     Dick Burrows
Pauletta Frye,
Town of Danville