In General
70.001 Definitions
Obedience to and Effect of Traffic Laws
70.005 Obedience to police officers
70.006 Public officers and employees to obey title; exceptions
70.007 Traffic laws apply to persons riding animals or driving animal-drawn vehicles
70.008 Fleeing or attempting to elude police officer
70.009 Emergency and experimental regulations
Traffic Signs, Signals, and Markings
70.010 Obedience to traffic-control devices
70.011 Traffic-control signal legend
70.012 Pedestrian-control signals
70.013 Lane-control signals
70.014 Flashing signals
70.015 Display of unauthorized signs, signals, markings, or advertising signs
70.016 Interference with official traffic-control devices or railroad signs or signals
70.017 Unlawful use or damage to highways, appurtenances, and structures
70.018 Unlawful possession of highway sign or marker
70.019 Zones of quiet
70.020 No-turning signs and turning markers
70.021 School signals
70.022 Stop signs
70.030 Drivers must have licenses or permits
70.031 Licenses and permits to be carried and exhibited on demand
70.032 Unlawful use of license or permit
70.033 Driving while license, permit, or privilege suspended or revoked
70.999 Penalty