a. Record of Expenses. The Town shall keep an itemized account of the expenses involved in abating the nuisance. The Town shall post conspicuously on the property and shall also mail to the owner of the property a statement showing the expense of the abatement, together with a notice of the time and place when the statement will be submitted to the Council for approval and confirmation and at which time the Council shall consider objections or protests to the cost of the work.
b. Hearing on Statement of Expenses. At the time fixed for the hearing on the statement of expense, the Council shall consider the statement and protests or objections raised by the person liable to be assessed for the cost of the abatement. The Council may revise, correct or modify the statement as it considers just and thereafter shall confirm the statement by motion or resolution.
c. Expenses a Special Assessment Against the Property. If the property owner does not pay the expense of abating the nuisance within five (5) days after the Council confirms the costs of abatement, the cost shall become a special assessment against the real property upon which the nuisance was abated. The assessment shall continue until it is paid, together with interest at the rate of eight (8%) percent a year computed from the date of confirmation of the statement until payment. The assessment may be collected at the same time and in the same manner as ad valorem real property taxes are collected, and shall be subject to the same penalties and the same procedure and sale in case of delinquency as provided for ad valorem real property taxes. All laws applicable to levy, collection and enforcement of ad valorem real property taxes apply to this special assessment.
d. Notice of Special Assessment. The Town shall file in the Office of the County Recorder a certificate substantially in the following form:
Under the authority of Government Code Section 38773.5 and Section 1-6 of the Danville Municipal Code, the Town did on _______________, 20_____, abate a nuisance upon the real property hereafter described and then on _______________ 20_____, did assess the cost of the abatement upon the real property. The Town of Danville claims a special assessment on the real property for the expense of doing the work in the amount of $__________. This amount is a special assessment against the real property until it is paid, with interest at the rate of eight (8%) percent a year from _______________, 20_____, (insert date of confirmation of statement), and discharged of record. The real property referred to above, and upon which the special assessment is claimed is that certain parcel of land situated within the Town of Danville, County of Contra Costa, State of California, more particularly described as follows:
DATED:_______________, 20_____
(Ord. #9, §5, 1982)
Whenever any condition on or use of property causes or constitutes or reasonably appears to constitute an imminent or immediate danger to the health or safety of the public, the Town Manager, or designee, shall have the authority to summarily abate the nuisance without prior notice or hearing. Summary abatement shall be limited to those actions necessary to eliminate the immediate threat to the public health or safety. The expenses of any such summary abatement shall be assessed against the property pursuant to subsection 1-6.7 of this code. (Ord. #2002-10, §1)