The statutory references listed below refer the code user to state statutes relevant to California cities. They are up to date through July, 2004.
General Provisions
Code adoption
   Gov. Code §§ 50022.1—50022.10
   Gov. Code § 36900 et seq.
Penalties for ordinance violations
   Gov. Code §§ 36900 and 36901
   Gov. Code §§ 36903 and 36904
Citations for misdemeanors
   Penal Code §§ 853.5—853.85
Administrative fines and penalties
   Gov. Code § 53069.4
Judicial review of city decisions
   Code of Civil Procedure § 1094.6
Expedited judicial review of First Amendment cases
   Code of Civil Procedure § 1094.8
   Gov. Code §§ 34050 and 36503 and Elections Code §§ 1301, 9200 et seq. and 10100 et seq.
Classification of cities
   Gov. Code §§ 34100—34102
General powers
   Gov. Code § 37100 et seq. and Cal. Const. Art. 11 § 7
Conflict of interest code
   Gov. Code § 87100 et seq.
Eminent domain
   Code of Civil Procedure § 1230.010 et seq.
Administration and Personnel
City officers generally
   Gov. Code § 36501 et seq.
Legislative body
   Gov. Code § 36801 et seq.
Election of legislative body by districts
   Gov. Code § 34870 et seq.
   Gov. Code § 54950 et seq.
   Gov. Code § 40601 et seq.
City clerk
   Gov. Code § 40801 et seq.
City treasurer
   Gov. Code § 41001 et seq.
City assessor
   Gov. Code § 41201 et seq.
Chief of police
   Gov. Code § 41601 et seq.
City attorney
   Gov. Code § 41801 et seq.
Alternative forms of government
   Gov. Code § 34851 et seq.
City manager
   Gov. Code §§ 34851—34859
Elective mayor
   Gov. Code §§ 34900—34906
City records
   Gov. Code §§ 34090—34090.7 et seq.
Conflict of interest
   Gov. Code § 81000 et seq.
Local planning agencies
   Gov. Code § 65100 et seq.
Emergency services
   Gov. Code § 8550 et seq.
Fire department
   Gov. Code § 38611
Peace officer standards and training
   Penal Code § 13520 et seq.
Personnel system
   Gov. Code § 45000 et seq.
Retirement systems
   Gov. Code § 45341 et seq.
Revenue and Finance
Financial powers
   Gov. Code § 37200 et seq.
Transfer of tax function to county
   Gov. Code § 51500 et seq.
Property tax assessment, levy and collection
   Gov. Code § 43000 et seq.
Sales and use tax
   Rev. and Tax. Code § 7200 et seq.
Transient occupancy tax
   Rev. and Tax. Code §§ 7280 through 7283
Real property transfer tax
   Rev. and Tax. Code § 11901 et seq.
Special gas tax street improvement fund
   Str. and Hwys. Code § 2106 et seq.
Unclaimed property
   Civil Code § 2080 et seq.
Local agency service fees and charges
   Gov. Code § 66013 et seq.
Public works and public purchases
   Gov. Code § 4000 et seq.
Contracting by local agencies
   Pub. Contracts Code § 20100 et seq.
Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act
   Pub. Contracts Code § 22000 et seq.
Claims against public entities
   Gov. Code § 900 et seq.
Development fees
   Gov. Code § 66000 et seq.
Business Licenses, Taxes and Regulations
Authority to license businesses
   Gov. Code § 37101, Bus. and Prof. Code § 16000 et seq. and Const. Art. II, § 2
   Penal Code § 326.5
Community antenna TV systems
   Gov. Code § 53066
Charitable solicitations
   Bus. and Prof. Code § 17510 et seq.
Commercial filming
   Gov. Code § 65850.1
Private investigators
   Bus. and Prof. Code § 7512 et seq.
   Vehicle Code §§ 16500 et seq., 21100, 21112 and Gov. Code § 53075.5
Gambling establishments
   Bus. and Prof. Code § 19800 et seq.
Massage parlors
   Gov. Code § 51030 et seq.
Automatic checkout systems
   Civil Code § 7100 et seq.
Telecommunications facilities
   Gov. Code § 50030
Animals generally
   Food and Agric. Code § 16301 et seq.
   Gov. Code § 38792 and Food and Agric. Code § 30501 et seq.
Potentially dangerous and vicious dogs
   Food and Agric. Code § 31601 et seq.
Rabies control
   Health and Saf. Code § 121575 et seq.
Cruelty to animals
   Penal Code § 597 et seq.
Health and Safety
Garbage and refuse collection and disposal
   Public Resources Code §§ 49300 and 49400
Nuisance abatement
   Gov. Code § 38771 et seq. and Penal Code § 373a
   Penal Code § 374 et seq.
   Labor Code § 6404.5
Graffiti abatement
   Gov. Code § 38772
Fire prevention
   Health and Saf. Code § 13000 et seq.
   Health and Saf. Code § 12500 et seq.
Noise control
   Health and Saf. Code § 46000 et seq. and Gov. Code § 65302(f)
   Gov. Code § 37600 et seq.
Public Peace, Morals and Welfare
Crimes against public justice
   Penal Code § 92 et seq.
Crimes against the person
   Penal Code § 187 et seq.
Crimes against public decency and good morals
   Penal Code § 261 et seq.
Crimes against the public peace
   Penal Code § 403 et seq.
Crimes against property
   Penal Code § 450 et seq.
   Penal Code § 12000 et seq.
Vehicles and Traffic
Local traffic rules and regulations
   Vehicle Code § 21100 et seq.
Traffic signs, signals and markings
   Vehicle Code § 21350 et seq.
Turning movements
   Vehicle Code §§ 22100-22113
Speed limits
   Vehicle Code § 22348 et seq.
One-way street designations
   Vehicle Code § 21657
Stopping, standing and parking
   Vehicle Code § 22500 et seq.
Through highways
   Vehicle Code §§ 21101, 21353, 21354
Curb markings
   Vehicle Code § 21458
Weight limits
   Vehicle Code § 35700 et seq.
   Vehicle Code § 21949 et seq.
Establishment of crosswalks
   Vehicle Code § 21106
   Vehicle Code §§ 21100, 21206 and 39000 et seq.
   Vehicle Code § 40000.1 et seq.
Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places
Improvement Act of 1911
   Str. and Hwys. Code § 5000 et seq.
Construction of sidewalks and curbs
   Str. and Hwys. Code § 5870 et seq.
Underground utility districts
   Str. and Hwys. Code § 5896.1 et seq.
Obstructions and encroachments on public ways
   Gov. Code § 38775
Municipal parks
   Public Res. Code § 5181 et seq.
Tree planting
   Str. and Hwys. Code § 22000 et seq.
Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972
   Str. and Hwys. Code § 22500 et seq.
Charitable solicitations
   Bus. and Prof. Code § 17510 et seq.
Advertising displays
   Bus. and Prof. Code §§ 5230 and 5231
Public Services
Municipal water systems
   Gov. Code § 38730 et seq.
Municipal sewers
   Gov. Code § 38900 et seq. and Health and Saf. Code § 5470 et seq.
Water wells
   Water Code § 13800 et seq.
Buildings and Construction
Authority to regulate buildings and construction
   Gov. Code §§ 38601 and 38660
State housing law
   Health and Saf. Code § 17910 et seq.
Adoption of construction codes
   Health and Saf. Code §§ 17922 and 17958
Mobile homes
   Health and Saf. Code § 18200 et seq.
   Gov. Code §§ 38774 and 65850; Bus. and Prof. Code § 5229 et seq.
Inspection warrants
   Civil Pro. Code § 1822.50 et seq.
Development fees
   Gov. Code § 66000 et seq.
Subdivision Map Act
   Gov. Code § 66410 et seq.
Local planning generally
   Gov. Code § 65000 et seq.
Local authority to regulate land use
   Gov. Code § 65850
Local zoning administration
   Gov. Code § 65900 et seq.
Open-space zoning
   Gov. Code § 65910 et seq.
Family day care homes
   Health and Saf. Code § 1597.30 et seq.
Environmental Protection
Environmental Quality Act
   Public Res. Code § 21000 et seq.
Noise Control Act
   Health and Saf. Code § 46000 et seq.