   (A)   All refuse, lumber and debris, remaining both as a result of the repair of any old buildings or of the erection and completion of any new buildings, shall be removed by the property owner within ten days from the completion of the aforesaid work.
   (B)   All violations of this section shall subject the offending property owner and/or tenant where applicable to a civil penalty to be recovered by the city in a civil action in the nature of debt if the offender does not pay the penalty within 30 days after he has been cited for violation of the ordinance, and may be enforced by an appropriate equitable remedy including but not limited to injunctions and orders of abatement issued from a court of competent jurisdiction as outlined in § 92.99.
   (C)   Each day's continuing violation shall be a separate and distinct offense, and is subject to penalties as outlined in § 92.99.
(Prior Code, § I-I-4) (Ord. passed 9-14-1999; Am. Ord. passed 9-10-2019) Penalty, see § 10.99
   (A)   Tree trimmings will be collected by the town once each week, provided that the collections shall be limited to no more than one truck load per week per residence; if additional service is required or requested by the owner or occupant of the premises and if approved by Public Works Director, the collections will be made on the basis of the total cost per truck load after initial load in accordance with the fee schedule to be paid in advance to the town before the matter is loaded on the truck; tree trimmings shall be placed at a place that can be conveniently reached by the trash collector; tree trimmings shall not, however, be placed in the street right-of-way normally used by vehicles, pedestrians or for surface drainage; tree trimming shall not be longer than six feet in length nor weigh more than 50 pounds. All yard waste shall be put in separate piles from other bulk trash and garbage as defined in § 51.01. The town shall not collect yard wasted that does not meet the requirements of this section.
   (B)   The provisions of division (A) above shall not apply to persons who cut or trim trees for hire.
   (C)    Persons who cut or trim trees for hire shall, within ten days after the completion of a particular job, remove all tree trimmings and other remaining refuse from the premises upon which the job was performed, and disposed of the same at a landfill or other similar place of disposal.
   (D)   All violations of this section shall subject the offending property owner and/or tenant where applicable to a civil penalty to be recovered by the city in a civil action in the nature of debt if the offender does not pay the penalty within 30 days after he has been cited for violation of the ordinance, and may be enforced by an appropriate equitable remedy including but not limited to injunctions and orders of abatement issued from a court of competent jurisdiction as outlined in § 92.99.
   (E)   Each day's continuing violation shall be a separate and distinct offense, and is subject to penalties as outlined in § 92.99.
(Prior Code, § I-I-5) (Am. Ord. passed 9-10-2019; Am. Ord. passed 8-8-2023) Penalty, see § 10.99
   (A)   For the purpose of this section, the term SWIMMING POOL is hereby defined as any structure, basin, chamber or tank containing an artificial body of water having a depth at any point of more than two feet, and intended for swimming, diving or recreational bathing, including in-ground, above-ground or on-ground swimming pools, hot tubs and spas.
   (B)   All outdoor swimming pools located within the town shall be completely enclosed by a fence that adheres to the most current North Carolina Building Code, Appendix G, and conforms with the requirements of 153.016, Fences in Residential Districts.
      (1)   All fence openings or points of entry into the pool area enclosure shall be equipped with gates.
      (2)   The fence and gates shall be at least four feet in height above the grade level and shall be constructed to meet the North Carolina Building Code and the county pool requirements.
   (C)   Operation and maintenance.
      (1)   At the end of the swimming season, the pool water, structure, or chamber shall be treated, altered, or maintained so as to prevent the development of unsanitary conditions.
      (2)   Pools under construction or that are no longer being operated shall be maintained in a manner so as to prevent the development of unsanitary conditions, potential injury, or possible drowning.
      (3)   Wastewater from the swimming pool shall be discharged into a sanitary sewer or by an alternative method that will not create a public health hazard or public nuisance.
   (D)   All violations of this section shall subject the offending property owner and/or tenant where applicable to a civil penalty to be recovered by the city in a civil action in the nature of debt if the offender does not pay the penalty within 30 days after he has been cited for violation of the ordinance, and may be enforced by an appropriate equitable remedy including but not limited to injunctions and orders of abatement issued from a court of competent jurisdiction as outlined in § 92.99.
   (E)   Each day's continuing violation shall be a separate and distinct offense, and is subject to penalties as outlined in § 92.99.
(Ord. passed 3-12-2018; Am. Ord. passed 9-10-2019) Penalty, see § 10.99
§ 92.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this section, including both property owner and/or tenant, for which no other penalty is provided, or failing or neglecting or refusing to comply with same, shall be subject to a civil penalty in the amount of $100 after the given time to correct expires, or after the first ten calendar days following the notice of violation where not otherwise specified.
   (B)   Each day that a violation continues after a person has been notified that such a violation exists, and that he or she is subject to the penalty specified in division (A), shall constitute a separate offense once the time to correct has expired.
   (C)   The violator shall contact Town Hall for a re-inspection once the violation is remedied in order to stop the accrual of civil penalties. This penalty may be recovered by the town in a civil action in the nature of debt if the violation persists 30 days after the violator(s) have been cited for violation of the ordinance, or if a balance remains unpaid after a final invoice is mailed.
   (D)   This chapter may also be enforced by any appropriate equitable action, including but not limited to injunctions or orders of abatement.
   (E)   The town may enforce this chapter by any one or any combination of the foregoing remedies.
   (F)   Violations of the provisions of this section shall not be considered a misdemeanor pursuant to G.S. § 14-4.
(Ord. passed 9-10-2019)