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   (a)   Instead of selling real property pursuant to Section 2-24 of this division, the city may sell real property by public auction in accordance with this section and Sections 253.008 and 272.001 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended.
   (b)   Before real property is offered for sale at a public auction, the city council, by resolution, shall authorize the sale by public auction and establish a reserve amount for the property that will be the minimum price acceptable to the city for that property.
   (c)   Notice of a public auction for the sale of real property must be published once a week, for three consecutive weeks before the auction, in a newspaper of general circulation in a county in which the city is located, and, if the real property is located in another county, in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the property is located. The first publication of the notice must be before the 20th day before the date of the auction. The notice must include:
      (1)   the description and location of the real property;
      (2)   the date, time, and location of the public auction; and
      (3)   the procedures to be followed at the public auction.
   (d)   A public auction to sell real property must be conducted in accordance with procedures established by the city manager that are not in conflict with this division, the city charter, Sections 253.008 and 272.001 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended, or other applicable law.
   (e)   The procedures required by this section that are not required by state law may be waived or modified, by city council resolution, with respect to a particular parcel of land. (Ord. 28684)