(a)   Any permit issued shall become invalid unless the work authorized by it has been commenced within six months after its issuance. However, for cause, one or more extensions of time for periods not exceeding ninety days each may be allowed in writing by the Building Commissioner.
   (b)   Upon issuing a building permit, the Building Commissioner shall fix the reasonable time necessary to complete the building work, taking into consideration the time for completion estimated by the applicant, the nature of the work and the effect of seasonal and weather conditions.
   (c)   Upon completion of the building work in accordance with the plans, the owner, builder or his or her representative shall request a final inspection by the Building Department. No building shall be used or occupied until completion, in accordance with the plans, has been approved by the Building Department.
   Every building shall be completed in accordance with the plans within the time fixed by the Building Commissioner on the building permit, and failure to do so shall constitute a violation of this Building and Housing Code.
   Upon application, the Building Commissioner may extend the completion date for delays caused by conditions beyond the control of the owner or builder or for other good and sufficient reasons.
   (d)   Within six months after the date originally fixed by the Building Commissioner for the completion of the building, the property shall be finish graded and seeded or sodded with quality grass seed or sod, in accordance with the site improvement plans submitted with the application for the building permit, and shall be continuously maintained thereafter.
(1986 Code § 1303.09)