   The inhabitants of the Village of Cuyahoga Heights, as its limits now are or may hereafter be, shall be a body politic and corporate by name the Village of Cuyahoga Heights, and as such shall have perpetual succession. The Village of Cuyahoga Heights shall have and may exercise all powers that now are or hereafter may be granted to municipalities by the Constitution or laws of Ohio.
   All powers of the Village shall be exercised in the manner provided in this Charter when so provided; if not so provided, then in the manner provided by ordinance of the Council; and if not so provided, then in the manner provided by the laws of Ohio, the term "laws," as used in this Charter, embracing both the Constitution of Ohio and the enactments of the legislature of Ohio.
   The Village shall not levy a tax on income without having obtained the approval of a majority of the electors voting thereon at a general election, notwithstanding the fact that the proposed tax may not require the approval of the electors under the general laws of the State of Ohio. However, if the proposed income tax requires the approval of more than a majority of the electors under the general laws of the State of Ohio, such provision in said general laws shall govern the levying of said tax.
(Amended 11-5-68)
    The Council is authorized to establish a special fund to be known as the Sewer User Charge Fund into which there shall be deposited the sum of two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) received from the Cleveland Regional Sewer District in Case Nos. 886594, 892711 and S.D. 69411 in the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga County, Ohio. The Village Chief Fiscal Officer is authorized to pay from said Fund the sewer user charges and stormwater fees imposed by the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, or any other duly established sewer authority, on residents of the Village either by direct reimbursement to the residents upon proof of payment or by entering into a contract with the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, or any other duly established sewer authority, for the payment of the total of said sewer user charges and/or stormwater fees on such terms as may be agreeable to the parties. The Village Chief Fiscal Officer is directed to invest the moneys in said Fund which will not be required to be used immediately for the purposes set forth herein in obligations of this Village, in bonds or other obligations of the United States, bonds of the State of Ohio, bonds of any municipal corporation of the State of Ohio as to which there is no default in payment of principal or interest, or in such other investments or deposits as are authorized by the laws of the State of Ohio to be invested or deposited by a municipal corporation. In the event that the moneys in said Fund including interest and return thereon are inadequate to pay the sewer user charges and/or stormwater fees levied on the residents of the Village, said Fund may be replenished to the extent deemed necessary by the Village Council from the proceeds of the Village Municipal Income Tax.
(Amended 11-4-75; 11-6-12; 11-2-21)