(a) The Mayor through his Finance Director shall provide to Council a monthly written financial report during Miscellaneous Business of the last Council meeting of each month.
(b) Such monthly report shall take the form of what is commonly referred to as “Report 21" and shall contain:
(1) Actual receipts as compared to official estimates for all appropriated and special funds, broken down as to type of receipt within each fund.
(2) Appropriations, encumbrances, actual expenditures and balance of appropriation for all appropriated accounts within all appropriated funds.
(3) Actual receipts and expenditures of all special funds.
(4) Month end balances of all individual funds showing cash and investment position.
(c) The Finance Director is authorized and directed to provide each councilperson a complete code of accounts showing account number and description of all receipt and expenditure items for all appropriated and special funds.
(Ord. 88-2010. Passed 7-26-10.)