(a)   Journal of Proceedings. Council shall keep a journal of its proceedings.
   (b)   Privileges of the Floor. No persons except members of the Council, City officials, representatives of the news media and persons invited by the President shall be admitted within the Bar of the Council Chamber.
   (c)   Decorum and Power to Preserve Decorum.  
      (1)   Members of the Council, all persons within the Bar of the Council, and persons within the Council Chamber shall at all times observe the proper decorum and, while the Council is in session, shall refrain from loud talking and similar disconcerting conduct. Profane or vulgar language is positively forbidden, either by Council members or by any others attending the Council meeting.
      (2)   Council may reprimand or expel any member guilty of misconduct or violation of Council rules pursuant to the procedure set forth below. The offending member shall not have voting rights during this process.
      (3)   Upon the concurrence of a majority of vote of Council members, the first violation of these rules by a member shall result in the offending member receiving a verbal warning from the Presiding Officer. With the concurrence of two-thirds affirmative vote of all Council members, the member may be expelled from the remainder of the meeting after having been notified of the charge(s) against the member and having had an opportunity to be heard. Upon the concurrence of a majority vote of all Council members, any subsequent violation of these rules by a member during a term of office shall result in a 1/26th reduction of annual salary of the offending member.
   (d)   Right to Floor. A member of Council or the administration desiring to speak shall address the President, who shall acknowledge the request of the member, and the member then may speak.
   (e)   Order of Speaking. In all cases the member of Council or the administration who shall first address the President shall speak first, but when two or more members shall address the President at once, the President shall decide the member who is first to speak.
   (f)   Speaking by Council Members or the Administration.
No member of Council or the administration shall be allowed to speak longer than five (5) minutes at one time on any question without permission, nor more than two (2) minutes during Miscellaneous Business. No member of Council or the administration shall speak more than once on the same question until every member desiring to speak on that question shall have had an opportunity to do so. And, while the member is speaking, no one shall interrupt the member except the President who may confine the member to the question under debate, and who shall prevent personal reflections.
   (g)   Books, Papers and Documents. Any member of Council or the administration discussing a question may read from books, papers or documents any matter pertinent to the subject under consideration or may require the Clerk so to read, without asking leave. Any member of the public or the administration intending to use any document, paper or item as an exhibit or for informational purposes shall make twelve (12) copies for Council and the Clerk and two (2) additional copies to be circulated in the Council gallery and two (2) copies for the news media.
   (h)   Discussion of Questions and the Council Bar. When the president is putting any question, or is addressing the Council, no one shall walk across the Council Chamber, and while a member is speaking, no one shall pass between the member and the President. During debate, members of Council must remain in place, unless excused by the President, and no member shall withdraw from within the Council Bar without leave from the President.
   (i)   Presence of Members in Chamber. When important business demands the presence of absentee Council members, at any regular or special Council meeting, the President may direct the Sergeant-at-Arms or some member to notify the absentees of the need for their presence in the Council Chamber at once.
   (j)   Addressing Council.
      (1)   Regarding matters pending before Council, any person may address Council during Committee meetings for up to three (3) minutes. At Council meetings, members of the public may address Council for up to three (3) minutes; however, only with the consent of Council to the person's request.
      (2)   Regarding matters not pending before Council, any person wishing to address Council must notify the President of Council at least twelve (12) hours prior to the Council meeting at which the citizen wishes to speak, specifying the topic or topics to be discussed. The President shall consider each request and shall either (a) refer the citizen to a ward Council member or appropriate Committee or (b) instruct the Clerk of Council to notify the citizen of the appointed time at which the citizen may address Council. No presentation shall exceed five (5) minutes.
   (k)   Preservation of Order. If any member, speaking or otherwise, transgresses the rules of Council, the President shall call the member to order. Any member may also call for a point of order. If required to do so by the President, the member called shall take his seat until the question of order is decided. All questions of order shall be decided by the President without debate. An appeal to the Council from the decision of the President may be taken by any member, if duly seconded.
   (l)   Motion to Table. A motion to table shall have priority over all motions other than a motion to adjourn and shall be undebatable. Having prevailed once, subsequent motions to table concerning the same ordinance or resolution shall be governed by the normal rule of parliamentary procedure and must be supported by a majority of those members present and voting.
   (m)   Motion to Adjourn. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order, but, being decided in the negative, shall not again be entertained until some motion, call, order or discussion shall have taken place.
(Ord. 94-2010. Passed 9-13-10.)