111.02 OFFICERS.
   (a)   Elective Officers. The elective officers of the Council shall be a President and President Pro-Tem and any others that Council deems necessary.
   (b)   Election of Officers. The officers of Council shall be elected by a majority vote of all Council members. The President of Council shall be elected for a term of one year. Other officers shall be elected at the Organizational Meeting of the new Council to be held prior to January 10 in even numbered years.
   (c)   Term of Office. The term of each elected officer, except the President of Council, shall commence at the Organizational Meeting and shall extend through December 31 of the next odd-numbered year.
   (d)   Removal of Officers. The officers of Council shall serve at the pleasure of Council. A vote of two-thirds of Council shall be required to remove an officer.
   (e)   Presiding Officer. The President is the presiding officer of Council. In the President's absence, the President Pro-Tem shall preside. In the absence of these officers, the Clerk of Council shall call Council to Order and Council shall then elect one of their members to act as President.
   (f)   Duties of the President. The President shall preside over the meetings of the Council and public hearings. The President shall preserve order and decorum at all times, confine debate to the question under discussion and shall decide all points of order. The President shall sign all requisitions for the purchase of miscellaneous materials for Council and shall supervise the Clerk of Council.
   (g)   Clerk of Council. Per Article IV, Section 4 of the City Charter, the members of Council, by a majority vote, shall elect a Clerk of Council who shall serve for a period of two (2) years, and may be removed by a vote of the majority of all members of Council.
   (h)   Duties of the Clerk of Council.
      (1)   The Clerk of Council shall attend meetings of Council and Council Committees, determine quorums, record the proceedings and votes, and keep the minutes. The Clerk shall deliver to each member as soon as possible after each meeting, a copy of these minutes. The Clerk shall provide and post notices as required by these Council Rules.
      (2)   The Clerk of Council, with the assistance of the City's Law Department, shall prepare a calendar to be entitled "Calendar" with the subheading "The following measures will be up for passage at the next meeting." Under this subheading, the Clerk shall arrange and have printed in consecutive order by number all ordinances and resolutions which, to the Clerk's knowledge, are on for passage at the next meeting of Council. The calendar will be circulated to the members of Council with the new legislation. In addition thereto, the Clerk shall keep a summary, which shall consist of a list of ordinances and resolutions, consecutively numbered, giving name of sponsor, title, date, Committee reference and final disposition of same.
      (3)   The Clerk shall furnish copies of all ordinances or resolutions to the news media and any other interested parties upon request.
      (4)   The Clerk of Council shall contact the Director of Law to ascertain that the necessary steps have been taken for publication and advertising of all ordinances and resolutions and other documents as required by law.
      (5)   The Clerk shall have at each meeting of Council for use by the President, a copy of these Rules, with all amendments thereto, a copy of Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised and a copy of the City Charter.
      (6)   In the absence of the Clerk of Council, the President shall appoint a member of Council to serve in this capacity.
      (7)   The Clerk shall maintain a record of the date and manner, and time if pertinent under these Rules, of all actions taken with regard to notices required by these Rules, and shall retain copies of proof of publication of any notices published thereunder.
         (Ord. 94-2010. Passed 9-13-10.)