(a) Scheduling. Within ten (10) days from the commencement of their term, Council shall hold an organizational meeting which shall be the first regularly scheduled meeting of the term or a special meeting called for organizational purposes. Said meeting shall be conducted in the manner, form and order as follows:
(b) Seating. Prior to calling the meeting to order, seating should be designated by name placard placement.
(c) Call to Order. The senior member of council shall call Council to order, and ensure the presence of a quorum.
(d) Election of Temporary Chair. The senior member of council will then open the floor for nominations for Temporary Chair. Nominations do not need a second. After each nomination, the senior member will ask, "Are there any more nominations?" After a sufficient pause of silence, the senior member will declare nominations closed. If only one nomination has been received, it can be confirmed by a voice vote. If more than one nomination is received, then the senior member will appoint two tellers and a ballot will be taken.
(e) Meeting Formalities. Once elected, the Temporary Chair will take over the meeting and perform the following:
(1) Roll call of new council
(2) Invocation
(3) Pledge of Allegiance
(f) Election of President. The Temporary Chair will preside over the election of President. The Temporary Chair will call for nominations, which need not be seconded. After each nomination, the Chair will ask, "Are there any more nominations?" After a sufficient pause of silence, the Chair will declare nominations closed and a vote shall be taken by written ballot, the Chair appointing two tellers. Voting shall be by separate written ballot for each office; and a majority of all members of Council shall be required for an election. In case no election results from the first two ballots, the candidate receiving the fewest number of votes on the second ballot shall be dropped from the list of nominees; and similar procedure shall be followed with each subsequent ballot until an election results. If the foregoing proceedings have resolved down to two candidates and five ballots have been taken without an election resulting, then the Temporary Chair or President, where applicable, shall by a single flip of a coin being called by one of the two candidates determine the winner. All elections by the Council shall be conducted in the same manner. Once elected, the President shall be sworn in.
(g) Election of Clerk. The President shall preside over the election of the Clerk. Once elected, the Clerk shall be sworn in and immediately begin recording the proceedings.
(h) Election of President Pro Tem. The President shall preside over the election of President Pro Tem
(i) Procedure for Elections. A secret ballot shall not be used in any election. Each member of Council shall write one (1) nominee’s name on a ballot and sign his or her name to the ballot.
(j) Committee Membership. The President shall next appoint a Committee of four (4) members of council at least one of whom must not be of the majority party, (unless all members identify as the same party), who, together with the President, shall constitute a Committee on Committees and Seating, on which Committee the President shall have power to vote.
(k) Committee Meeting. Immediately after the appointment of the four (4) members of the Committee on Committees and Seating, they shall convene and conduct a Committee meeting where they shall recommend Chair and Vice-Chair of the Standing Committees for the elective term and designated seats for Council.
(l) Committee Report and Council Approval. The Committee will report their selections, which shall, before going into effect, be approved by a majority of all members of Council.
(m) Other Appointments. The President may designate Council Representatives for Boards and Commissions as well as Sergeant at Arms and Chaplain. See Appendix A for Council's representation on Boards and Commissions.
(n) Other Business. If the organizational meeting is held during the first regularly scheduled council meeting, once council has organized pursuant to these rules it shall proceed with the normal order of business. (Ord. 132-2023. Passed 12-18-23.)