(a)    It shall be the duty of the occupant of each single-family dwelling to secure solid waste collection and disposal services from the City of Cuyahoga Falls Division of Sanitation. Unoccupied single-family dwellings are not eligible for weekly curbside solid waste collection. It shall be the duty of the owner of a two-family, three-family, or four family dwelling to secure solid waste collection and disposal services from the City of Cuyahoga Falls Division of Sanitation. All Residential Units shall be serviced by the City of Cuyahoga Falls Division of Sanitation, except dwellings with two or more units utilizing commercial boxes one cubic yard or larger may be serviced by the City or any licensed commercial hauler. All commercial and industrial businesses shall make provision for collection and disposal of municipal solid waste and collection of recyclables with the City of Cuyahoga Falls, or any private commercial hauler licensed to operate in the City of Cuyahoga Falls.
      (b)    All Residential units shall be charged for the availability of such garbage and rubbish collection service unless such fees are excused or waived by the Director of Public Service or designee for good cause or unnecessary hardship. Use by the occupant or owner of other service, a garbage disposal, or incinerator shall not constitute good cause.
   (c)   Solid waste collection and disposal services shall be secured and served a minimum of once weekly for each "Residential Unit." Industrial or Commercial establishments shall be served at least bi-weekly, except for food service establishments which shall be served weekly at a minimum. The City may require additional service when overflow litter, unsightly nuisances and/or health related issues are apparent.
    (d)   It is the intent of this chapter that each owner or tenant of a residential, commercial or industrial unit within the corporate limits of Cuyahoga Falls shall make separate provisions for the collection and disposal of solid waste. There shall be no doubling up of service in which more than one unit uses a common service or containers except as provided by this chapter or as allowed by the Director of Public Service or designee.
   (e)   In an instance of a "Multiple Unit Residence or Apartment," it shall be the duty of the property owner to furnish adequate sanitation service for the entire "Multiple Unit Residence or Apartment."
   (f)   Small Quantity Generators (SQG) of hazardous wastes shall follow the prescribed policies for collection and disposal of hazardous wastes outlined by the Environmental Protection Agency.
      (g)    There shall be a special Limited Service Program offered to qualifying customers who are the owner occupants of a single residential unit and who make application therefor with the Utility Billing Office. The limited service program entitles customers to the collection and disposal of one City issued Small Cart of bagged solid waste per week set at curbside. The Limited Service Program includes curbside recycle collection, but there is no recycle credit applied. Pickup of any additional material will require an additional charge as determined by the Director of Public Service or designee, based on the amount and type of material to be collected. Bulky items, furniture, appliances, etc. and bundled brush service is limited to the Citywide spring cleanup period designated by the Director of Public Service or designee.
   (h)   When the City issues a sanitation cart, that cart must be used for curbside sanitation service.
   (i)   All carts remain the property of the City. The customer is responsible for cleaning the cart, as required. The cart shall remain at the location of sanitation service if the occupant moves.
(Ord. 118-2021. Passed 12-28-21.)