(a) That the words and phrases used herein shall have the meanings identified in Section 927.03(a).
(1) "Operating charge" means the charge associated with the costs of operating, maintaining and repairing the City's sanitary sewer system.
(2) "Treatment charge" means the charge associated with the costs charged by the City of Cuyahoga Falls and County of Summit for transporting and treating the City's sewage.
(Ord. 196-90. Passed 12-17-90.)
(b) For all bills issued on or after January 1. 2024, the Operating Charge for residential, commercial and industrial users of the City's sanitary sewer system shall be $1.900 per hundred cubic feet of water used as measured or estimated by City Water Department meters.
(c) For all bills issued on or after January 1. 2025. the Operating Charge for residential. commercial and industrial users of the City's sanitary sewer system shall be $2.850 per hundred cubic feet of water used as measured or estimated by City Water Department meters.
(d) For all bills issued on or after January 1. 2026. the Operating Charge for residential. commercial and industrial users of the City's sanitary sewer system shall be $3.563 per hundred cubic feet of water used as measured or estimated by City Water Department meters.
(e) For all bills issued on or after January 1. 2027. the Operating Charge for residential. commercial and industrial users of the City's sanitary sewer system shall be $4.454 per hundred cubic feet of water used as measured or estimated by City Water Department meters.
(f) For all bills issued on or after January 1. 2028. the Operating Charge for residential. commercial and industrial users of the City's sanitary sewer system shall be $5.568 per hundred cubic feet of water used as measured or estimated by City Water Department meters.
(g) The treatment charge for residential, commercial and industrial users of the City's sanitary sewer system shall be determined and adjusted annually by the Director of Public Service based on rates charged by the City of Akron and County of Summit for transportation and treatment of the City's sewage. The treatment charges shall be expressed in terms of dollars per hundred cubic feet of water used as measured or estimated by City Water Department meters.
(h) The charge to be made and the price to be paid for sewage service rendered to any lot, parcel of land, building, or premises situated without the corporate limits of the City and currently being served by the City sewage system shall be the same charge as heretofore set forth for the lots, parcels of land, building, premises or connections situated within the corporate limits of the City, plus an additional twenty-five percent (25%) for return on capital investment.
(i) For all bills issued on or after January 1, 2004, the Utility Billing charge for residential, commercial, and industrial users of the City's sanitary sewer system shall be $2.00 per month per user to recover the cost of meter reading, billing, and collecting and accounting for sanitary sewer service charges.
(j) Assigned sewage strengths (BOD and SS) for each user class and charges for waste in excess of the assigned sewage strengths shall be identical to those established by Section 50.33 of Title 5, Chapter 50, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Akron, Ohio.
(k) The Director is authorized to establish extra charges, in addition to the extra charges for excess BOD and SS, for any user for the discharge of any other pollutant into the sanitary sewerage system or for any other reason that he deems necessary and appropriate and which discharge or pollutant or other reason results in additional costs not covered by the rates and charges established hereby.
(l) The rates and charges hereinbefore established are deemed and are hereby found to be just and equitable.
(m) The Director is hereby directed to review the rates and charges for usage of the City's sanitary sewerage system on at least an annual basis in order to ensure that each user of the City's sanitary sewerage system is paying its proportionate share of the cost of operation, maintenance, replacement and repair thereof and that such rates and charges are recovering the operation, maintenance, replacement and repair cost.
(n) The Director is hereby directed to annually notify each user, if requested, of the City's sanitary sewerage system, of the rates and charges for usage of the sewerage system, and what portion thereof are attributable to the cost of operation, maintenance and repair of such sewerage system. (Ord. 124-2023. Passed 12-11-23.)