(a)   No person shall park a motor vehicle on the devil strip of any property used for residential purposes or zoned residentially, except where there is a nonconforming business use in a residentially zoned area.
   (b)   No person shall park a motor vehicle on the devil strip of property used for other than residential purposes unless:
      (1)   The parking area is surfaced with asphaltic or concrete materials and curb cuts are made, both in conformance with City Engineering Department standards.
      (2)   The use of the area will not endanger or interfere with motoring or pedestrian traffic.
      (3)   The purpose of such parking is not to demonstrate such motor vehicle, or any article for sale or for purposes of advertising, except when the expressed consent of the owner or person in lawful possession of the property bordering the devil strip.
   (c)   "Devil strip" is synonymous with "curb strip" and "treelawn" and means that area between the edge of the sidewalk that is closest to the roadway, to the curb of the roadway, or if there is no curb, to the shoulder or berm of the roadway.
(Ord. 134-1985. Passed 10-28-85.)