A. All subdivision boundary corners and block corners (including points of curvature) shall be marked with permanent survey monuments. A permanent survey monument shall be a quarter-inch brass plate three inches in diameter, permanently attached to a shaft with a minimum length of two inches and a minimum diameter of one-half inch set flush in a concrete block twelve (12) inches deep into the ground and twelve (12) inches in diameter. The point shall be stamped in the plate with identifying information and the surveyor’s registration number. Except in cases where it is deemed clearly unreasonable or infeasible by the city council, these monuments shall be described in relation to the located section corners of the Coordinate System of the state. All lot corners shall be monumented with iron pins of a minimum of one-half inch in diameter and twenty-four (24) inches in length or with iron pipe of a minimum of three-quarters inch in diameter and twenty-four (24) inches in length.
B. In the event that points fall on solid bed rock, or on concrete or stone roadways, curbs, gutters or walks, a durable metal disk or cap shall be securely anchored in the rock or concrete and stamped with the survey point and the registration number of the land surveyor responsible for the establishment of the monument or marker.
C. In the event that the monuments or markers cannot practically be set because of steep terrain, water, marsh or existing structures, or if they should be lost as a result of proposed street, road or other construction, one or more reference monuments shall be set. Affixed to the monument, in addition to the surveyor’s registration number, shall be the letters “RM” or “WC.” Such reference monuments shall be set as close as practical to the true corner and shall meet the same physical standards that would be required for the true corner were it set. If only one reference monument is used, it must be set on the actual boundary line or a prolongation thereof. Otherwise, at least two reference monuments shall be set.
D. All monuments shall be in place prior to the approval of the final plat. However, to facilitate grading and installation of utilities, the subdivider may, if the city council consents, file a bond with the city, to insure placement of monuments within a period not to exceed six months after approval of the final plat. If the subdivider elects to file a bond for the placement of monuments, sufficient temporary staking shall be done to provide for grading and construction. Should conditions prohibit the placing of monuments on the line, off-set markings will be permitted; provided, however, that exact off-set courses and distances are shown on the subdivision plat. (Ord. 433 (part), 1995)