All sewer systems of every business, residence or other property within the city shall be connected to the Custer City sewage treatment system. Cesspools, septic systems and drop toilets are specifically prohibited. All sewer connections shall be in accordance with the ordinances of the city and shall be approved by the public works director. (Ord. 603 (part), 2004: Ord. 349, 1990: prior code § 5-110)
No person shall construct or alter any building or other construction over, upon or immediately adjacent to any natural drainage so as to obstruct such natural drainage except upon the written approval of the public works director who may require such provisions for the natural drainage as may appear to be necessary. (Ord. 603 (part), 2004: prior code § 5-115)
Every public garage or other place having a washrack used for washing vehicles shall install a standard garage drain approved by the public works director. Such drain shall be so constructed and operated as to prevent mud, sand and other debris from being washed into the city sewer system and shall be kept in proper working order. (Ord. 603 (part), 2004: prior code § 5-117)