13.12.040   Issuance of permits.
   The public works director may issue permits for excavations or laying of service sewer as provided in the foregoing section and only after compliance with the following:
   A.   Application shall be made, in writing, to the public works director or the community development director showing the applicant's name, address, type of construction, materials to be used, estimated time of completion, location of proposed excavation and such further information as may be required by the appropriate common council committee, city council or the public works director.
   B.   The permit shall entitle the owner to have a tap of the public sewer made or supervised and inspected by the public works director as well as entitle the owner thereof to perform the acts therein authorized. If such use is for residential purposes, the application shall state the number of families or residents to be served thereby, and such tap and sewer use shall be limited to the number of families or residences served thereby, and as set forth in the application.
   C.   1. There is imposed a special sewer use assessment charge, which the charge shall be considered as a payment and as a condition of obtaining service, and for the payment of costs incurred in the construction within the 1990 sewer assessment district for the facilities to which the customer shall now be connected; and any fees so imposed shall be dedicated to the fund and to the repayment of the obligation for the construction of facilities within the sewer assessment district or to the maintenance of the same on certain properties and connections to the Custer City sewer main as set forth in this chapter, charges being as follows:
   a.   Commercial. All properties used for commercial purposes are located within commercial zones: seven thousand two hundred dollars ($7,200.00).
   b.   Light Commercial. All properties occupied as a residence, but also having a substantial simultaneous commercial use: five thousand one hundred dollars ($5,100.00).
   c.   Residential. All property used principally for residential purposes: three thousand one hundred dollars ($3,100.00).
   d.   Multifamily Developments.
   i.   Trailer Parks. All trailer parks within the 1990 Custer sewer district shall be subject to an assessment of six thousand two hundred dollars ($6,200.00) for the first two trailers, plus two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each additional trailer or trailer spot to be utilized. If an assessment has been paid or imposed under this subsection for the Custer sewer district, the amount of the assessment collected or imposed up to the amount of six thousand two hundred dollars ($6,200.00), shall be credited to the assessment made under this subsection.
   ii.   Apartments. All multifamily apartments within the 1990 Custer sewer district shall be subject to an assessment of six thousand two hundred ($6,200.00) for the first two units; and the sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each additional family unit within the development. Credit shall be given for any assessment paid or imposed pursuant to the provisions of this subsection up to the sum of six thousand two hundred dollars ($6,200.00).
   2.   The following property shall be subject to the special sewer use assessment charge:
   a.   Upon all properties within the 1990 sewer assessment district that are further subdivided or where on additional structures including residences and business structures requiring sewer connections are added, and which the structures or subdivided properties would have been subject to a separate assessment had they existed at the time of the 1990 special assessment, notwithstanding the fact that the subdivided properties are included in the whole of the property which was subject to one assessment.
   b.   Upon all properties that are not within the district but shall hereafter request to connect to the Custer City sewer system and shall utilize or connect to the sewer mains within the district that were constructed as a part of the 1990 sewer district and assessment. The sewer connection charge shall be reduced by any amount of a special assessment that shall be imposed upon the properties for the construction of the additional sewer main and facilities.
   3.   Special sewer use assessment charges shall not be considered as a connection or sewer tap fee as set forth in Chapter 13.16, which shall remain in full force and effect. Any commitment of the city to provide a free sewer tap or connection to any individual hereafter requesting connection to the Custer City sewer system shall be allowed as a credit in the amount as set forth in Chapter 13.16 as the then existing sewer connection or tap fee, against the special sewer use assessment charge imposed under this subsection. The city council may also at its discretion waive the imposition of the sewer tap or connection fee as set forth in Chapter 13.16, in any instance when the special sewer use assessment charge is imposed. (Ord. 603 (part), 2004: Ord. 359, 1991; Ord. 350, 1990; prior code § 5-104)