(A)   Driveways/private roads.
      (1)   All driveways and/or private roads designated as the ingress/egress within the development, that are not designated as one-way, shall be a minimum of 20 feet in width.
      (2)   The driveway or road surface may be paved, concrete, or gravel.
      (3)   They must have a turnaround area, either a circular or offset cul-de-sac with a minimum road or driveway surface radius of 40 feet, to allow school buses, fire trucks, or any emergency vehicles an adequate area to turn around without backing up.
   (B)   Fire protection.
      (1)   A fire hydrant must be installed within 500 feet of any occupied structure located within the development.
      (2)   A dedicated fire line is acceptable.
   (C)   Spacing and setbacks.
      (1)   Structures on the property must be spaced to meet Fire Code.
      (2)   Structures must be outside the front, side, and rear setbacks of the property.
      (3)   Front setback.
         (a)   Thirty feet from local road.
         (b)   Forty feet from collector road.
         (c)   Fifty feet from an arterial road.
      (4)   Side and rear. Ten feet from the side and rear property lines.
   (D)   Sidewalks.
      (1)   Any multi-family or cluster housing development fronting on an arterial or collector street, that does not already have sidewalks in place, must install sidewalks running the length of the property that is adjacent to the arterial or collector street.
      (2)   The design of the sidewalk must be approved by the City of Crossville's Engineering Department to ensure compliance with proper ADA regulations and must be consistent to any previous designed sidewalk(s) in that area.
   (E)   Common ground/open space.
      (1)   All multi-family and cluster housing developments are required to have an area designated common ground/open space.
      (2)   Minimum common ground or open space is 300 square feet per housing unit. The area designated for the cluster mailbox postal delivery is excluded from the total calculation of common ground/open space.
      (3)   Cluster mailbox postal delivery area.
         (a)   An area must be provided for the cluster mailboxes, if required by the U.S. Postal Service.
         (b)   Area must have proper and adequate lighting.
(Ord. 1664, passed 4-12-2022)