No person may permanently activate or place in service any equipment or facility in the public right-of-way or obtain any permit pursuant to this chapter from the city if notice of completion o: construction of such equipment or facility has not been provided to the city as; required herein, as-built maps have not been submitted to the city in such form and detail as the city may require, or any inspection, repair, or restoration requirement of the city has not been fully satisfied. As-built maps must be: submitted in digital format, AutoCAD DWG or ESRI Shapefile, in Tennessee State Plane Coordinates NAD 83 to a positional tolerance of six inches, and must include a contact name and number of the person or persons responsible for the equipment or facility as well as a description of the infrastructure. The contact name and number and description can be in a digital document or as a field in the database attached to the Shapefile.
(Ord. 1537, passed 4-20-2017)