Section 3. General administrative business; employees hired by the board. 
Be it further enacted, that immediately after the passage of this Act the Board of Lake Commissioners shall meet and organize and elect a president and secretary and adopt such rules and regulations as it deems necessary and advisable to effect the purposes hereof. The board shall have the right to employ agents or servants with authority to look after and collect any rentals for boats, fishing privileges, land leases, etc., all of which shall be paid to the City of Crossville at regular intervals.
The Board may also fix the compensation to be paid to any agent or servant, which shall be paid by the City of Crossville as all other bills incurred by the Board of Lake Commissioners in its operation hereunder, subject, however, to the general financial, budgetary and other procedures provided herein. (As amended by Priv. Acts of 1965, ch. 259, sec. 12 and Priv. Acts 2014, ch. 55, sec. 1)