Section 2. Name and general powers. 
Be it further enacted, that the inhabitants of the City of Crossville, in the County of Cumberland, State of Tennessee, with the same limits and boundaries as the present City of Crossville, as hereinafter described, be and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate under the name and style of "City of Crossville"; and such shall have perpetual succession, shall sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded in all courts of law and equity, and in all actions whatsoever; may, for municipal purposes, purchase, receive and hold property real, personal, and mixed within or beyond the limits of the city; and may sell, lease, or dispose of such property for the benefit of the city, and do all other acts touching the same as may natural persons; may have and use a common seal, and may change it at its pleasure; and exercise all the rights, powers, and privileges set forth in the succeeding sections of this Act. (As amended by Priv. Acts 2014, ch. 55, sec. 1)