(A)   Purpose. Envisioning that the growth of the city, unforeseen weather conditions, energy failures or equipment failures may produce a water shortage with little or no advance warning, an emergency plan to conserve water supplied by the city to its citizens is absolutely necessary for the health, safety and general welfare of the residents of the city and all other persons who may be working or sojourning therein; therefore the aforesaid public purpose of the within section, the short title of which shall be known as "City of Crossville Drought Contingency Plan".
   (B)   Plan and procedure.
      (1)   Drought and other conditions tending to reduce the city's water supply shall be monitored by the director of water resources who shall report to the City Manager when the conditions appear to indicate that actions may need to be implemented to conserve water. The City Manager shall then promptly advise the City Council that a water shortage may be eminent and the Council may then order water conservation measures it finds appropriate from the facts of the situation, in a manner and upon public notice thereof, not inconsistent with this section.
      (2)   When the City Council, in regular or special session assembled, finds that conservation action is necessary to conserve water provided by the city through its water and fire protection system, it may order one or more of the following water conservation phases:
         (a)   Phase I.
            1.   No outside watering;
            2.   No car washing; or
            3.   No filling or cleaning of pools
         (b)   Phase II. Professional offices, commercial, industrial and institutional users (other than hospitals and nursing homes): usage shall be limited to domestic use consumption (bathrooms and drinking fountains only) during the hours open for business.
         (c)   Phase III. Residential users, motels/hotels, hospitals, and nursing homes will be urged to conserve water.
         (d)   Public notification. When one or more phases of water conservation have been ordered by the City Council, the City Manager shall immediately notify all local news media, and shall immediately contract for public advertisements in all the local news media, the advertisements setting forth the phase or phases ordered by the City Council, and that violators of the order, upon conviction, may be punished as provided in this section. Water conservation orders enacted by the City Council shall remain in full force and effect until lifted by the council in regular or special meeting session assembled. Public notice of the lifting need only be made by the City Manager through prompt news releases to all local news media.
         (e)   Enforcement. During times when the City Council has ordered water conservation measures under this section, duly authorized officers of the city, bearing proper credentials and identification, may enter private property at times and in the manner provided by law, when the officers have reason to believe probable cause exists that emergency provisions of this section are being violated. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction in the municipal court of the city, be guilty of a misdemeanor and be assessed a fine of not less than $10, nor more than $50.
(1989 Code, § 18-127)