Section 3. Rules and regulations. 
Be it further enacted, that the City Council of the city shall have full power and authority, by ordinance or resolution, to make and enforce reasonable rules and regulations and to fix water rates, tolls or the price for the use of water, to prescribe discounts for prepayment and may, for such purposes, enter upon the premises where water is used or desired to be used, for the purpose of inspection, repairs, or other work, in introducing or regulating the use of water, or where water is to be cut off on account of non-payment of water rents, or for any other reason. The city council shall also have full power and authority to collect and enforce the collection of all moneys due for the use of water or arising out of the operation of the plant; and in case of failure to pay water rents to cut off the supply and discontinue the furnishing of water until all arrearages are paid, and until all expenses for cutting off or turning on water shall have been paid. The city shall have the power to grant the use of water, free of charge, to persons who are objects of charity and to charitable institutions.
Full power is vested in the city council to prescribe different and higher rates for any water it may be willing to supply to consumers outside the corporate limits and to regulate the size and number of connections to be made to the water mains in such outside territory. (As amended by Priv. Acts 1995, ch. 55, sec. 2 and Priv. Acts 2014, ch. 55, sec. 1)