Section 7. Bond sale proceedings. 
Be it further enacted, that the selection of a fiscal agent to handle bond sale proceedings for the city shall be made through competitive bidding and at least six (6) reputable Tennessee firms shall be requested to bid on furnishing such service. Notice of the bond sale shall be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation in Cumberland County at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the sale. When the total amount of bonds to be sold is over one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) notice of the sale shall also be advertised in a financial journal or financial newspaper or other financial publication (Bond Buyer or equivalent), published in New York, New York and having national circulation, at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the sale. All bond issues shall be sold at public sale by competitive bidding. No selling fee shall be paid after sale and issuance of bonds for subsequent selling of the bonds, nor shall bonds be sold or bid accepted at less than par value. All proceeds of each sale shall be turned over to the Finance Director and shall be deposited by the Finance Director in an authorized city depository immediately after the sale and issuance of such bonds. (As amended by Priv. Acts of 1965, ch. 259, sec. 8, Priv. Acts 1995, ch. 55, sec. 5 and Priv. Acts 2014, ch. 55, sec. 1)