Amendments to the 2018 International Residential Code R302.2 and 302.3 Townhouses and Two-Family Dwellings shall not have less than two (2) hour fire-resistance rated walls when not provided with an automatic fire sprinkler system.
   R313 Automatic fire sprinkler systems “Optional.”
   Table N1102.2.1 (R402.1.2) In row Climate Zone 4 except marine, under wood frame wall R-Value, replace “20 or 13+ 5" with “13.”
   Table N1102.1.4 (R402.1.4) In town Climate Zone 4 except marine, under wood wall u-factor, replace “0.060" with “0.082.”
   N1102.4.1.2 (R402.4.1.2) Testing “Optional”/”Where required by the Building Official.”
   N1103.3.3 (R403.3.3) Duct testing “Optional”/”Where required by the Building Official.”
(Ord. 1647, passed 9-14-2021)