Section 14. Council proceedings: how effectuated. 
Be it further enacted, that the council may determine the rules of its proceedings, subject to this charter, and may arrest and punish by fine or imprisonment, or both, any member or other person guilty of disorderly or contemptuous behavior in its presence. It shall have power and may delegate it to any committee, to subpoena witnesses, and order the production of books and papers relating to any subject within its jurisdiction; to call upon its own officers or the chief of police to execute its process, and to arrest and punish by fine or imprisonment, or both, any person refusing to obey such subpoena or order.
No fine for any one offense under this section shall exceed fifty dollars ($50.00), or maximum allowable by law, nor shall any imprisonment for any one (1) offense exceed ten (10) days or maximum allowable by law, but each day's continuance in any refusal as aforesaid shall be a separate offense.
The presiding officer of the council or the chairman of any committee may administer oaths to witnesses. The Council shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and the yeas and nays on all questions shall be entered thereon. (As amended by Priv. Acts 2014, ch. 55, sec. 1)