(A)   Purchase requisitions. All purchases exceeding $2,500 must be initiated through the preparation and submittal of a purchase requisition to the Finance Department. The purchase requisition serves to inform the Finance Department of the needs of the using department and to correctly define the material or service requested.
      (1)   When prepared. Requisitions shall be prepared after the department obtains competitive prices and before vendor delivery.
      (2)   Who prepares the requisition. Requisitions shall originate in the using department and be signed by the requisitioner and the department head. The department head shall file with the Finance Department a certified memorandum listing those who are authorized to sign a requisition.
      (3)   How to prepare. A properly processed purchase requisition must contain the following information:
         (a)   Date issued - date the requisition is prepared;
         (b)   Date needed - state a definite delivery date. Prepare far enough in advance to avoid emergencies;
         (c)   Department - complete name of using department;
         (d)   Account distribution - complete budgetary code;
         (e)   Vendor name and address. When applicable, attach three phone quotes with vendor name, price, contact and supporting documentation;
         (f)   Item number - numerical order of items listed;
         (g)   Quantity - number required;
         (h)   Unit - dozen, lineal feet, gallons and the like;
         (i)   Description - give a clear description of the items desired as to size, color, type and the like. If the purchase is of technical nature, specifications should be attached to the requisition. If the item cannot be described without a great amount of detail, a brief description should be given followed by a trade name and model number of an acceptable item “or approved equal”. Note: Incomplete information in this area will result in the requisition being returned to the using department for clarification;
         (j)   Unit price - price for each individual item;
         (k)   Amount - total of quantity times unit price;
         (l)   Delivery instructions - Be specific. If vague or indefinite, confusion may result in costly delays;
         (m)   Requisitioner - signature of the person initiating the purchase request; and
         (n)   Department head - signature of the department head.
      (4)   Routing of requisitions. Prepare three copies of the purchase requisition. Send the original and one copy to the Finance Department and retain the third copy in department files. The Finance Officer shall certify by signature that the proper account has been charged and the availability of budgetary and cash funds. The original requisition shall then be returned to the Finance Department and the copy filed in the office of the Finance Director.
      (5)   General information. A requisition must be completed before a purchase is made, except as otherwise provided herein. Approximate cost of items will enable finance to determine if bids are required. If a requisition is incomplete or improperly prepared, the Finance Department shall return it to the using department for completion. An incomplete requisition could cause unnecessary delays. The requisitioner shall not split orders to circumvent any provision of the city code or charter, this manual or any policy established by the city, nor shall requisitions be submitted for the sole purpose of using up budgetary balances.
      (6)   Expediting orders. If a company is awaiting a purchase order to process a rush order, the words “EXPEDITE IMMEDIATELY” must be placed in the body of the requisition. The Finance Department will then contact the vendor and supply a purchase order number. This process will be the exception rather than the rule.
      (7)   Insufficient funds. If it is determined by the Finance Director that the account lacks a sufficient budget, it will be referred to the City Manager, who will notify the department head.
   (B)   Purchase orders. Following the approval of a purchase requisition, a purchase order is prepared by the Finance Department to authorize the seller to ship and invoice the materials and services as specified. Purchase orders shall be written so that they are clear, concise and complete. This prevents misunderstandings and unnecessary correspondence with suppliers.
      (1)   When prepared. Purchase orders are issued only after an acceptable requisition has been submitted and after approval of the City Manager and the Finance Officer. No purchase order will be issued until the Finance Officer has certified adequate budgetary and cash balances to make the purchase, except as otherwise provided herein
      (2)   Who issues the purchase order. Only the Finance Department shall issue purchase orders.
      (3)   Cancellations. The Finance Department must initiate all cancellations and will issue a purchase order to the next best vendor or renew the purchasing process.
(Ord. 1024, passed 5-7-2004; Ord. 1495, passed 12-10-2015; Ord. 1693, passed 3-14-2023)