The driver of a vehicle approaching a railroad grade crossing when a signal device gives warning of the immediate approach of a train, shall stop within fifty feet (50') but not less than ten feet (10') from the nearest track of such railroad and shall not proceed until he can do so safely.
The driver of a vehicle shall stop at and not traverse such grade crossing when a crossing gate is lowered or when a flagman, or automatic signal warns of the approach of a train.
The driver of any motor vehicle carrying passengers for hire, or any school bus carrying any school children, or any vehicle carrying explosives or flammable liquid as cargo shall stop such vehicle within fifty feet (50') but not less than ten feet (10') from the nearest rail of the tracks and shall listen and look in both directions along such tracks at a grade crossing. Provided that no such stop need be made at any such crossing where a police officer or a traffic control signal directs traffic to proceed.
Funeral processions have the right of way at intersections when vehicles comprising such procession have their headlights lighted, subject to the following conditions and exceptions:
(A) Operators of vehicles in a funeral procession shall yield the right of way upon the approach of an authorized emergency vehicle giving an audible or visible signal.
(B) Operators of vehicles in a funeral procession shall yield the right of way when directed to do so by a traffic officer.
(C) The operator of the leading vehicle in a funeral procession shall comply with stop signs and traffic control signals but when the leading vehicle has proceeded across an intersection in accordance with such signal or after stopping as required by the stop sign, all vehicles in such procession may proceed without stopping, regardless of the sign or signal and the leading vehicle and the vehicles in procession shall proceed with due caution.
(D) The operator of a vehicle not in the funeral procession shall not drive his vehicle in the funeral procession except when authorized to do so by a traffic officer or when such vehicle is an authorized emergency vehicle giving audible or visible signal.
(E) Operators of vehicles not a part of funeral procession may not form a procession or convoy and have their headlights lighted for the purpose of securing the right of way granted by the Title to funeral processions.
(F) The operator of a vehicle not in a funeral procession may overtake and pass the vehicles in such procession if such overtaking and passing can be accomplished without causing a traffic hazard or interfering with such procession.
(G) The lead vehicle in the funeral procession may be equipped with a flashing amber light which may be used only when such vehicle is used as a lead vehicle in such procession. Vehicles comprising a funeral procession may utilize funeral pennants or flags or windshield stickers to identify the individual vehicles in such a procession.