9-11-1: Impoundment Of Motor Vehicles Used In Connection With Illegal Activities
9-11-2: General Regulations
9-11-3: Probable Cause And Notice
9-11-4: Hearing
9-11-5: Administrative Review
9-11-6: Administrative Fee; Disposal Of Vehicles
9-11-7: Vehicle Possession
(A) Impoundment: A motor vehicle, operated with the express or implied permission of the owner of record, that is used in connection with any of the following violations, or which may jeopardize the public's safety and safe vehicular movement and in furtherance of public safety or in the exercise by the Police Department of its community caretaker functions, may be subject to tow and impoundment by the Village, and the owner of record of said vehicle shall be liable to the Village for an administrative and processing fee of five hundred dollars ($500.00) in addition to any towing and storage fees.
(B) Violations:
1. Operation or use of a motor vehicle in the commission or attempted commission of any offense for which a motor vehicle may be seized and forfeited pursuant to 720 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/36-1 et seq.; or
2. Driving under the influence of alcohol, other drug or drugs, or intoxicating compounds, in violation of 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/11-501 or a similar provision of this Code; or
3. Operation or use of a motor vehicle in connection with the commission or attempted commission of a felony or in violation of the provisions of the Illinois Cannabis Control Act, 720 Illinois Compiled Statutes 550/1 et seq.; or
4. Operation or use of a motor vehicle in connection with the commission or attempted commission of any offense in violation of the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, 720 Illinois Compiled Statutes 570/100, et seq.; or
5. Operation or use of a motor vehicle in connection with the commission or attempted commission of an offense in violation of unlawful use of a weapon in violation of 720 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/24-1; aggravated discharge of a firearm in violation of 720 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/24-1.5; and unlawful possession of a firearm and firearm ammunition in violation of 720 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/24-3.1; or
6. Driving while driver's license, permit or privilege to operate a motor vehicle is suspended or revoked, the violation of 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/6-303; except that vehicles shall not be subject to seizure or impoundment if the suspension is for an unpaid citation (parking or moving), or due to failure to comply with emission testing; or
7. Operation or use of a motor vehicle with an expired driver's license in violation of section 6-101 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/6-101, where the period of expiration is greater than one year; or
8. Operation or use of a motor vehicle without ever having been issued a driver's license or permit in violation of section 6-101 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/6-101, or operating a motor vehicle without ever having been issued a driver's license or permit due to a person's age; or
9. Operation or use of a motor vehicle by a person against whom a warrant has been issued by a Circuit Clerk in Illinois for failing to answer charges that the driver violated the offenses of: driving while license is revoked or suspended, 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/6-303; operating a motor vehicle without a valid driver's license, 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/6-101; and/or driving under the influence of alcohol, other drugs, intoxicating compound(s), or a combination thereof, 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/11-501; or
10. Operation or use of a motor vehicle in connection with the commission or attempted commission of any other misdemeanor or felony offense defined under chapter 720 Illinois Compiled Statutes; or
11. Operation or use of a motor vehicle while soliciting, possessing, or attempting to solicit or possess cannabis or a controlled substance, as defined by the Cannabis Control Act or the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, provided, however, that no vehicle shall be subject to impound or forfeiture solely for the possession of cannabis or cannabis paraphernalia by persons twenty-one (21) years of age or older in accordance with the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act (410 ILCS 705/1-1 et seq.) or by a registered qualifying patient or registered designated caregiver as authorized by the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act (410 ILCS 130/1 et seq.); or
12. Operation or use of a motor vehicle in the commission of, or in the attempt to commit, an offense of theft, in violation of 720 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/16-1, or retail theft, in violation of 720 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/16-25; or
13. Operation or use of a motor vehicle in violation of Illinois Vehicle Code 11-503 (reckless driving), while the vehicle is part of a funeral procession; or in a manner that interferes with a funeral procession. (Ord. 682A, 1-9-2019; amd. Ord. 898, 1-22-2020)