(A)   Automatic declaration of emergency based upon snow fall accumulation within the borough. An automatic snow emergency shall exist within the borough when the accumulation of snow fall amounts to a minimum of four inches within the borough. Once a snow fall equal to said amount occurs, the Road Committee Chairperson, and in his or her absence the Mayor, and in his or her absence the Council President, shall declare a snow emergency to exist. He or she shall immediately inform the public by issuing press releases to all news media, and to the Borough Road Foreman and to the state police. Such snow emergency shall continue in force until the Road Committee Chairperson, and in his or her absence the Mayor, and in his or her absence the Council President, shall declare the emergency no longer exists by notification to the public through press releases to the borough road crew and to the state police.
   (B)   Declaration of emergency not based upon snow accumulation. When, in the opinion of the Borough Road Committee Chairperson, and in his or her absence, the Mayor and in his or her absence the Council President, snow, sleet, ice or a combination of these factors exist that will create hazardous or dangerous highway conditions for vehicular or pedestrian traffic, he or she is authorized to declare a snow emergency and shall make notification as set forth above in division (A) above.
(Prior Code, Ch. 15, § 603) (Ord. 323, passed 7-6-1998; Ord. 3-2007, passed 4-16-2007, § 1)