(A)   Substantial deviations from approved plans and specifications shall not be made after the Board of Public Works grants formal plan approval. Written application for deviation(s) from approved plans shall be filed in duplicate with the Superintendent of Stormwater or City Engineer and approved by the Board of Public Works, prior to implementation of the revision or change(s). Copies of the revisions or changes, if approved, shall be attached to the original plans and specifications.
   (B)   Examples of substantial deviations from the approved drainage plan shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
      (1)   Pipe size changes.
      (2)   Pipe grade changes (because of their affect on the hydraulic capacity of the stormwater facility).
      (3)   At the discretion of the Superintendent of Stormwater, stormwater facility horizontal alignment changes greater than five feet. Where the proposed stormwater facility has been required to be constructed within a right-of-way or stormwater easement, horizontal changes that place the stormwater facility outside of the limits of the right-of-way or stormwater easement area will not be accepted by the city. Storm drains constructed on privately owned property, outside of public rights-of-way or stormwater easements may vary more than five feet in the horizontal alignment, provided the hydraulic performance of the facility has not been altered, and no other portion of the approved construction plans has been changed.
      (4)   Construction materials and installation that are not in conformance with the requirements of this subchapter.
      (5)   Changes in grade of the site that will affect the stormwater direction, velocity, and amount of concentration or may expose structures or streets to a greater risk of flooding than under approved plans.
      (6)   Changes to drainage swales or ditches within right-of-ways, or on easements dedicated to the city.
      (7)   Other changes deemed substantial by the Superintendent of Stormwater. If an applicant does not agree with the decision of the Superintendent of Stormwater, as it relates to this section, the applicant may request review and action by the Stormwater Board.
(Ord. 2-2010, passed 3-8-10)