6-12-3: TREES, SHRUBS:
   A.   Dead Or Infected Trees And Shrubs: To cause or permit on any premises dead trees, large dead tree branches or trees or shrubs that are infected with injurious insects, pests or infected with plant diseases which are liable to spread to other plants, trees or shrubs to the injury of said plants, trees or shrubs or to the injury of man or property is prohibited. (1970 Code §12-3.01)
   B.   The following are declared to be a public nuisance and must be removed from any property at the owner's expense:
      1.   All species and varieties of elm trees (trees of genus Ulmus) infected with the fungus known as Dutch elm disease (Certostomella ulmi) as determined by laboratory analysis by the section of applied botany and plant pathology, Illinois natural history survey or by laboratories approved by said agency.
      2.   All species and varieties of elm trees that are dead or substantially dead, and all dead elm wood to which the bark is still attached, which, because of its condition, may serve as a breeding place for the European elm bark beetle (Scolytus multisriatus) and the native elm bark beetle (Hylurgopinus rufipes).
      3.   No person shall permit or maintain on any lot or parcel of land any ash tree or dead ash tree infected with the emerald ash borer.
      4.   All species of trees that have been damaged or killed by a lightning strike.
   C.   Removal Of Stumps: When a dead or infected tree is removed, the stump shall be removed below the surface of the ground so that the top of the stump shall not project above the surface of the ground. (Ord. 22-44-O, 12-14-2022)