A. JULIE shall be contacted before any work begins, to locate any and all utilities in the excavation area.
B. Signage and barricades for sufficient traffic control and in accordance with the "Work Site Protection Manual" published by the Illinois department of transportation shall be erected and maintained at all times during utility and restoration construction.
C. Where the water or sanitary sewer main lies on the opposite side of the street from the proposed service installation, the service shall be pushed, augured or directionally bored under the roadway so as to not disturb the existing paved surface or curb and gutter in any way. Existing paved roads shall not be open cut without the city's prior consent.
D. All water service lines, fire service lines, and sanitary sewer service laterals shall be installed at right angles with the main line, to the line and grade indicated on the approved plans.
E. The tunneling method selected shall be capable of controlling both horizontal and vertical alignment of the service line. The city engineer shall approve the tunneling method prior to its use.
F. If existing utilities that lie under existing roadways are required to be exposed during the tunneling operation, the utility excavation shall be backfilled and restored in accordance with city codes.
G. Contractors shall contact the city's water department twenty four (24) hours in advance of tunneling to schedule the appropriate inspection.
H. Anyone intending to work within the public right of way in the city of Countryside shall provide evidence to the city of insurance, bonds and licenses in accordance with city specifications prior to commencement of right of way work.
I. All permit holders are responsible for the cleaning of the street within two hundred fifty feet (250') of the work site every day.
J. The superintendent of public works shall have overall responsibility and authority over the public right of way and is authorized to issue citations to ensure compliance with the city codes.
K. All permit applicants must execute an acknowledgement provided by the city that the applicant has read, understands and agrees to all the terms and conditions set forth in the building permit package as well as the city of Countryside building code.
L. These requirements are in addition to and supplemental to all requirements pursuant to the building code for the city of Countryside as it is from time to time amended. (Ord. 06-31-0, 9-13-2006)