A.   Responsible Animal Care Defined: Each owner shall provide for his animals:
      1.   Sufficient quantity of good and wholesome food and water.
      2.   Proper protection and shelter from the weather.
      3.   Veterinary care when needed to prevent suffering.
      4.   Humane care and treatment.
   B.   Vehicle Operator Striking Domestic Animal: Any person who, as the operator of a motor vehicle, strikes a domestic animal shall stop at once and render such assistance as may be possible and shall immediately report such injury or death to the animal's owner. In the event the owner cannot be ascertained and located, such operator shall at once report the accident to the appropriate law enforcement agency or the local humane society.
   C.   Required Vaccination: All owners of dogs and cats over four (4) months of age shall have such animals inoculated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian at such intervals as required by the statutes of the state.
   D.   Responsibility For The Removal Of Excreta: Every animal owner shall be responsible for removal and sanitary disposal of any excreta deposited by his animal. When accompanying the animal outside his premises, he shall have on his person suitable means for the removal of such excreta.
   E.   Cruelty To Animals:
      1.   No person shall beat, cruelly ill treat, torment, overload, overwork or otherwise abuse an animal, or cause, instigate or permit any dogfight, cockfight or other combat between animals or between animals and humans.
      2.   No owner of an animal shall abandon such animal.
      3.   No person shall give away any live animal, fish, reptile or bird as a prize for, or as an inducement to enter, any contest, game or other competition, or as an inducement to enter a place of amusement; or offer such vertebrate as an incentive to enter into any business agreement whereby the offer was for the purpose of attracting trade.
      4.   No person may sell, offer for sale, barter or give away as a pet or a novelty any rabbit or any baby chick, duckling or other fowl which has been dyed, colored or otherwise treated to impart an artificial color thereto. Baby chicks or ducklings shall not be sold, offered for sale, bartered or given away as pets or novelties.
      5.   No person may knowingly poison or cause to be poisoned any domestic animal. It shall not be unlawful for a person to expose on his own property common rat poison mixed only with vegetable substances.
      6.   No person shall keep or permit to be kept on his premises any wild or vicious animal for display or for exhibition purposes. This subsection shall not be construed to apply to zoological parks, performing animal exhibitions, or circuses.
      7.   No person shall keep or permit to be kept any wild animal as a pet. A temporary permit shall be obtained for the keeping, care and protection of an animal too young to survive without the presence of the adults native to the area and that has been deemed to be homeless.
      8.   No person shall kill or wound, attempt to kill or wound, or take the eggs or young of any game or song birds. (1970 Code §12-4.09, as amended)