A.   The mayor shall be responsible for the administration of this animal control chapter. These duties may be delegated to only one specific individual, the animal control officer, who shall effect this chapter. Additional personnel may be delegated powers to effect this chapter by the animal control officer.
   B.   Official powers of the animal control officer shall be as follows:
      1.   He shall be clothed with full police powers for the purpose of enforcing this chapter. All other police officers shall cooperate with the animal control officer in carrying out the provisions of this chapter.
      2.   For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this chapter and making inspections hereunder, the animal control officer or his authorized representative, or any officer of the law, may take such action as is necessary to obtain lawful authority to enter upon private premises to apprehend a straying dog or other animal, a dangerous dog or other animal, or a dog or other animal thought to be infected with rabies. If, after request therefor, the owner of such dog or other animal shall refuse to deliver the same to the officer, the owner shall be in violation of this chapter.
      3.   Anyone enforcing the provisions of this chapter shall not be held responsible for any accident or property damages which may occur while in the pursuit of any dog or other animal. (1970 Code §12-4.03; amd. 1986 Code)